Moving by PaulT

Moving on Friday and, having decluttered when we put the house on the market, where has all the rest of the stuff come from!

We have no wardrobes to take so few bulky things but even so have some of the stuff in the garage and the rest in the dining room.

All is not helped by the empty garden pots (not too bad) and the ones with plants in.

Quickly decided that a LWB Luton would not do so ordered a 7.5 tonne truck. Just glad our plan is to load up Thursday morning and stay in a motel on Thursday night and not planning on loading on the day we complete. This will enable me to quickly book some storage if it will not all go in.

What a wonderful stressful time.

This will be my 7th move. The house number of the one we are moving to is No 10 - that will make 3 out of the 7 houses number 10.


That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 01 Nov 2011, 07:49 #1 

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(Site Admin)
Hope everything goes smoothly for you. :)

Posted 01 Nov 2011, 10:04 #2 

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(Site Admin)
Hope there won't be any hassles, Paul (or just minor ones if at all ;)).

PaulT wrote:This will be my 7th move. The house number of the one we are moving to is No 10 - that will make 3 out of the 7 houses number 10.

10 Downing Street again? So what will be your code name this time then? :mrgreen:

Posted 01 Nov 2011, 13:03 #3 

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Hope it all goes well......I am sure you will like it over here....:D

Posted 01 Nov 2011, 18:58 #4 

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Why bother unpacking you'll only be moving again soon ;)

Posted 01 Nov 2011, 19:29 #5 

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Only moved house twice and that was bad enough. I have way too much stuff and need to start making an impact, so I know exactly what you mean.

Hope it all goes well!

Posted 01 Nov 2011, 19:47 #6 

Thanks all - the only fly in the ointment is that we were telling our dog how much she would like paddling in the sea and she died four weeks ago so there will be some sadness.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 01 Nov 2011, 21:23 #7 

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Good luck, when we moved last year SWMBO decided that we wouldn't pay for a second removals van to shift all the potted house and garden plants, she said I could do it in the works van. So at 6pm on a dark November evening I made 2 round trips to collect the 130!!!!! pots

Posted 01 Nov 2011, 21:26 #8 

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Good luck with the move Paul, I'm sure you'll love it over here - we should have a little lincolnshire gathering at some point as I still owe you a drink. :-)

Posted 02 Nov 2011, 10:10 #9 

So the move is made.

Wednesday afternoon drove 50 odd miles to collect a car transporter trailer, loaded my little Triumph TR7 on to it – had resolved to get it back on the road and drive it up. Then took it to the BIL until Saturday.

Thursday collected the 7.5 tonner and loaded it up – everything went in. Left at about 16:30 up the M23 then round the M25 to the Dartford Tunnel with very slow traffic. Got the other side where there are roadworks and we stopped and on the radio they announced two accidents, one in the roadworks and the other just beyond.

Finally made it to the motel on the A1M just outside Peterborough. Went and parked where the HGVs were and was a little sickened watching the artic drivers easily reversing their charges in to small gaps. Looking forward to a nice rest but the bed was as hard as nails.

Got up next morning and drove to where the estate agent was. The sale of our old house completed at about 12:20 and the new one about 13:00 BUT the sellers solicitor goes to lunch between 13:00 and 14:00 so did not get the keys until just after 14:00. Unloaded and then drove back to Clacketts Lane on the M25 for the night.

At 08:30 on Saturday returned the truck and got in to my 75. Felt a little like Killroy – having been so high up in the truck now I was just peering over the dash.

To the BIL and collected the trailer and a slow 50mph drive up to Lincolnshire and about 36 mpg which I think is fantastic.

Left home at 01:45 and drove to Four Marks in Hampshire to return the trailer and then on to work.

All in all a few tiring days.

What I did notice was the number of 75s about in Lincs.

And the truck gave me a V8 75 experience – about 17/18 mpg.

Yes Zeb Lincolnshire does seem a very nice place to be and Jake am up for a local gathering.


That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 07 Nov 2011, 15:41 #10 

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Welcome... :)

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 15:53 #11 

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Fantastic news Paul, hope you get settled in over the next few weeks! Sounds like a hell of a few days you've had!

A local gathering sounds like a great idea. Will put some dates out for people to consider over the next few weeks.


Posted 07 Nov 2011, 17:27 #12 

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PaulT wrote:And the truck gave me a V8 75 experience – about 17/18 mpg

When I owned/drove a Volvo F10 artic around 21 years ago, I got in the region of 8 mpg if I was lucky! But then it was a 10 litre pulling 38+ tonnes!

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 19:16 #13 

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JakeWilson wrote:A local gathering sounds like a great idea. Will put some dates out for people to consider over the next few weeks

A plan with merit!

Posted 07 Nov 2011, 19:17 #14 
