So, all that needs to be done is the simple matter of taxing the 'new' car starting tomorrow 1st June. Right?
Can't do it on line. It tells me to go to Post Office.
I had a feeling that this was going to be a waste of time and effort (no local PO now where I live). And I was right. System rejected the application. Friendly Post Master, who had struggled with the system to no avail, suggested 'phoning the DVLA and raised his eyes to heaven.
I have lost count of the time and the different numbers called to eventually get through to a) someone real b) someone intelligent -I gave up with c) someone cooperative.
It transpires that I have to go through the telephone purgatory again tomorrow as they cannot start a road tax for the 1st June on the 31st may. She could backdate it but I would have to pay the full month previous to when I want it on the road.
"What about if I want to catch a cross channel ferry at 8.00 am tomorrow?"
"Then you will have to pay from the 1st May" was the answer.
I didn't think to ask her about what happens If there is an emergency in the small hours.
No wonder that I need pills for high blood pressure.