You will probably find that Mobile Cash Mate offer far more than the average, and if you research them on the 'net you will see a great many comments regarding mysterious cracks, scratches and scuffs etc. which people insist weren't there and which, oddly enough, reduce their offer on the phone to much the same as the average of the other buyers was in the first place.
In view of this pre-knowledge, I had my Blackberry Storm independently examined by a colleague with access to a high power magnifier and he pronounced it "pristine", which is as it should be having been kept in the supplied case from day one.
Guess what? I had an e-mail today telling me that it had various "scuffs and scratches" which would reduce the offer value. Curiously enough, it was reduced to just about what Mazuma were offering

Not a real problem for me as I was forewarned and so expecting as much but I must admit that this is a clever way of getting the lion's share of mobiles, for who can be bothered to have it returned to send it elsewhere for the same amount of cash anyway, with the concomitant delay?
As I said, just a 'heads up'