I could certainly do with a nice relaxing table in the corner after today...

Spent most of the afternoon and various phone calls to a customer working out the best prices on over £1000 worth of stock (at the their normal RRP prices). When it finally came to the customer deciding that we were the best deal in the country I told them that their £300 deposit would become non-refundable once the goods were ordered. Soon changed their mind they did. Then they chewed my ear off saying how I should run the business and that it was stupid to think they should be prepared to pay £300 without having first got the goods.
Bearing in mind this is stock we don't normally have on the shelves and it's standard company practice to require deposits on non-stock items. Still, I was told how I should run the business and how they had (of course) been in business before and knew all about it...
This was on top of the dozens of jobs I didn't get time to do because of the time wasted with the customer and the fact that more and more jobs kept piling up throughout the afternoon.
Oh, and I cut my lunch break down in order to keep things running smoothly...
... and then I never got a break in the afternoon...
... and then I stayed over extra late to sort stuff out...
... and it's still not all finished...
... hohum...