Meetings within the M25 by mi2540

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Hi Guys Im aware that many here do not hold the o.c. in high regard, but we were are working on improving chances on meets within london and close environs, already existing are two that meet regularly the main one at present ia at the halfway house on A127 CM13 3LL the next meet there will be june 23rd from midday its a mix from oc and .org so it would be good to have members from here too and there is likely to be a T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) owner presrnt at the meet and he is happy to do diagnostic tests and cost nowt !! the other venue we are currently using is the Waggon & Horses on Watling Street in Elstree this tends to be bimonthly and date hasnt been set for next meet

One other meet is proposed for North Finchley as part of a programme to set up meets in each of the areas of capital ie north south etc
The venue will be for first one Leisure Complex Chaplin sq Nth Finchley at
midday on 21 July but will be confirmed shortly on oc and .org and here I hope by me lol. I hope this will prove of interest to some members as although there are differences in forums I think we all share the main one of keeping out cars on the road and saving others from the breakers.

We are also looking into possibilties of having nano type meets such as happen in the midlands and north.
Thank you for your kind attention


Posted 25 May 2013, 10:31 #1 

Silence was the stern reply as it comes from the dreade OC

Posted 28 May 2013, 11:46 #2 

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(Site Admin)
Maybe the mention of the M25 had been a deterrent effect ... :panic:


Posted 28 May 2013, 12:15 #3 

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Gate Keeper
Your post has only just gone up Mike so give it a while longer. There are lots of other posts for people to get through and the fact that you mentioned the OC I think is not the deterrent for replies. London is a nightmare to get across and the M25 is the same. You will know that in the past I used to drive round it for fun lol
All the best


Posted 28 May 2013, 12:31 #4 

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(Site Admin)
I moved 80 miles North of Crouch End five years ago, otherwise I would have been up for it.

This forum is totally agnostic, it's the OC that pretend we don't exist not the other way round.

Posted 28 May 2013, 12:57 #5 

User avatar
Who or what is the OC?



Oh and where is the M25? :-? :shock: :-D

I have almost forgotten what a motorway looks like... :)

Good luck with the are welcome to post up on the Enthusiasts' site too if you so wish...

Posted 28 May 2013, 17:46 #6 

User avatar
Hi Mike,

I been to the halfway house meet when i was on .Org when i got my 1st R75 and had a good time meeting the guys back then , i also attend the 1st meet at the Waggon & Horses and had a lovley BBQ and catch up:)

I'm based in Kent only just the other side of the tunnel but as you know getting anywhere around is a pain.

Last time i went over Finchley way was to see mick when he lived there and that put me off.

If any meets are planned this side of the water let us know.

I dont have a problem with OC i still have a lot of good friends on there :)

Posted 29 May 2013, 17:37 #7 

WEll guys thanks for the replies I was being to wonder if I had the plague !! I put within M25 as easiest way of expressing it, some of you may know the famous flying banana ( Bob ) whose intention with the help of others is to get regualr meets going with london and close environs so we do need suggestions for west and south of the river as the east is reasonablely cater for at the Halfway House meetings once a month, The Waggon and Horses are most likely to be 2-3 monthly. Anyway for anyone interested the North Finchley meet is now confirmed as 21st July at midday the address is Lesiure Complex Chaplin Square N12 0GL hope some may be able to make it


Posted 29 May 2013, 18:53 #8 

Just to confirm that the North London meet will be on July 21 at midday we are looking forward to meeting new friends from whatever forum and what ever make of rover or mg come one
come all


Posted 03 Jun 2013, 10:17 #9 
