How many times do we hear barrack room commentators moaning about it being time somebody did something, about ministers making ‘U’ turns, about giving up at the first signs of difficulty?
And then complaining about one who actually formed a plan, fought it through in the face of hostility (not only from the opposing political parties but from her own side as well) and did everything with the ultimate aim of what she saw as the national interest? And always from people who would never dream of, and frankly could not be bothered, running for office themselves. Plenty of people who gleefully point the gun but loath to pull the trigger.
Not all of us agree totally with what she tried to do and she failed on many things but nobody can doubt the national pride she felt or her courage. Then you look at the hollow, transparent apologies for men that have followed her….
Her detractors know nothing of politics, yet criticise all she did. They have no knowledge of political life and its compromises, that everything has an effect on everything else, and that sometimes decisions have to be made that are dreadful to contemplate. All in a days work. Cometh the hour……
Posted 08 Apr 2013, 22:04