MAF Mod Diesel. by Arctic

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I think one or two of the members on the forum have at one time or another limped home due to the MAF (Mass Air Flow Sensor).

The MAF can go out of range and then you lose power & have to limp home, not great if you are miles away from home or even on the motor way, this can be solved by unplugging the MAF.

The problem is getting to the MAF to unplug it as it, usually you would need to remove the air filter cover, that in it's self is a task if you do not have a 5mm long reach Allen key in the car with you.

This mod also helps if you have to change out the insert any time for a new MAF, it is a lot easier to change out the insert than take the whole MAF unit off the car.

To do this mod you will need a Dremel or similar make of the tool, all mark pen, couple of stainless steel screws, file, and a steady hand.

We are going to cut round the air filter cover around the MAF.

Lest start by marking with the pen Fig 1&2


Because i did this mod in situ i used a plate over the MAF plug/wiring so not to slip and cut into the plug or wiring, a 3mm drill bit is just right to cut through the air filter cover, always cut nearest the pen line that way you can tidy up later, or you could use a disc to cut the section out, i just find it easier to use a drill bit for cutting. Fig 3

Once you have cut through you can remove the section from that area. Fig 4

With the cut out section removed you can now tidy up the cut Fig 5

You now have good access to the MAF plug Fig 6/7


Now that you have access a pair of long nose pliers can be used to grab hold of the two clips on either side of the MAF these need to be pressed inwards, so the plug can be released Fig 8

With the clips pressed in the plug will lift off the MAF Fig 9

You can now see the two security screws holding the MAF insert into the unit Fig 10

The security screws are of the five point type and a nipple in the centre, you will need the tool to remove these Fig 11/12


The reason behind changing these security screws for a pozidrive stainless steel screw is it makes it easier to remove and add an insert if and when you need to. Fig 13/14


Do both screws Fig 15

I also heated up the ends of the spare long nose pliers i have to flatten the ends on them so they grip the MAF plug better. Fig 16

These will now be put in my little tool box in the boot so if my MAF was to ever go out of range and the car go into limp mode i could easy remove the plug and i would be able to drive home as per normal. Fig 17

You could also remove the MAF insert if like me you carry a spare MAF sensor and rectify it by adding the new MAF or a good in spec by just undoing the stainless steel screws most people carry a pozidrive in the car how many would have a five star security torx.

This mod would be easier to do if the air filter was taken off the car so next time you change your air filter maybe think of doing this little helpful mod cheers Arctic.
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 08 Aug 2020, 09:41 #1 

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I've read and digested every word of that and I haven't even got a diesel. Your how-tos are just so good.[GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

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I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 08 Aug 2020, 18:58 #2 

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Hi Bernard.
Thank you hope you are keeping well after your mishap etc, hopefully we can all meet up before the end of the year at a safe distance of cause, i am hoping the thread will help and maybe stop a few members from getting stranded on the motor way etc.

Hopefully the thread will not descend into talk about mafless maps like it as on the owners club, :-x
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 09 Aug 2020, 19:34 #3 

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nice one Steve
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 11 Aug 2020, 21:38 #4 

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Well 12 months have past since the post went up, i have done at least 12 of these mods now to owners cars after doing a service for them, always best to do it on the bench but can be done in situ.
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 06 Sep 2021, 07:06 #5 

