I don't know whether it was deliberate but the interviewee was a thing, best described as an Adam's apple on legs of some 24 years of age, whom, we were told, had 8 children, intended to father a total of 12 and had been on benefit since leaving school, receiving some £31000 per annum in benefits of one kind or another.
One of his comments was "I agree that the middle class should be hit and the working class left alone"
When asked to elucidate, he went on to define middle class as "those with a job" and when asked to define working class, "me, I'm working class" The crass stupidity of his argument was lost upon him.
The further thoughts of chairman chav were elicited and he was keen to see the Winter fuel allowance for the elderly removed. "I've got nuffin' aginst the oldies but when you fink abaht it, why should WE support them. They are a drain on the country and just take, take, take."
When asked what he thought his contribution to society was, his face clouded with the effort of thinking until suddenly there was a stroke of inspiration and he said "We are the future, innit?"
I fear for the future, I really do

Serves me right for watching daytime TV