I use a Dell E5500 laptop at work and overall, with 4GB RAM, I'm happy with it, except that it is sometimes a bit slow when loading. I can't add any more RAM so was wondering if replacing the HDD with an SSD would speed things up a bit?
If so, I'd be looking for 256GB SSD - any recommendations please?
I found SSDs to speed things up quite a bit. I can recommend the Samsung and OCZ (IIRC). The samsungs were quite pricey for 256GB but that was a while ago so prices maybe better.
I went for a Samsung when I upgraded, as they were becoming sensible. It made a big difference but I didn't realise how much until I put the original back in when I got my new machine.
Mine did, as the existing drive was SATA. Don't think you can get PATA SSDs. I used macrium reflect to clone the disc from the HDD to the SSD. The SSD did come with some extra tools to set up the machine correctly, for example switching off defragging. Physically the same size too just lighter.
Scratch install is usally best as Windows "should" detect the SSD for optimum performance. However if you google optimising SSD it will give you a manual check list such as reducing page file, checking trim etc...