KV6 Thermostats by takestock

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So many threads on these at the moment on the OC so I have posted this here and there, all the stats are failing to get up to temp. So, don't shout at me but:

As the diesel stat fails to perform it is accepted that you can install an inline stat in the system with good results, leaving the old stat in place and from what I can see, no downsides.
So, why cannot the same be achieved on the KV6, the top hose from the rad is super accessible.

Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 14 Jul 2021, 17:40 #1 

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My experiences with the KV6 thermostats have been with leaking rather than temperature control. Now cured with the Kaiser stat. However, I can't see why your suggestion wouldn't work.

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Posted 15 Jul 2021, 16:42 #2 

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Hi Dave.
I think it's the fact that stat in the V on the KV6 is opening fully to early and most are saying it's at 82c when it should be 88c i think it's a case of whom is going to be the leader and try a stat in the top hose, of cause it will not help in the fact that the KV6 stat leaks due to the O-rings getting flat spots after time due to movement of the stat, but yes i can not see any reason a top hose stat cannot be used as in the diesel, there needs to be a brave owner to try it, and at the same time have a new spare hose on hand should it not work.

Another thought will it effect the flow of coolant ? does it need a stat with a jiggle pin hole ? again it's a case of testing it out.
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 15 Jul 2021, 19:40 #3 

