Just my luck! by JakeWilson

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For those who've not had the torture of meeting me, I recently have left a job in the smoke and returned to take up a second year in a degree in German and Italian. I am in my second year now and have two years remaining.

We were all invited to a meeting this evening with the head of languages and the SU. As part of the Chancellors "restructuring plans" they plan to reduce the department's staffing by over 60% over next year, getting rid of all full time Italian (and potentially Spanish staff) and taking 22 staff down to 8 to cover 5 languages!

Though the Uni faces reductions in staffing all over, about 30% of these reductions are targeted at MFL, as it appears they don't care about anything that isn't science or engineering (where they can get funding from etc!)

Although they are in the planning stages, if it goes ahead they'll enact this over the next year, so I will return from my year overseas with no staff.

There is a petition for this, but was wondering if I posted a link up here, would people be willing to sign it?!

Incredibly grateful in advance, not really sure what else we can do.


Petition link here:


Posted 14 Oct 2010, 22:53 #1 

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Posted 19 Oct 2010, 08:39 #2 

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(Site Admin)
Zeb wrote:Signed.....

Me n'all

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 08:51 #3 

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Save Modern Languages at Swansea University.

You are signer #2180

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 11:01 #4 

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Mine done. 2181
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 11:35 #5 

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Save Modern Languages at Swansea University.

You are signer #2182

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 12:13 #6 

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2183 for me and a free post :D
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 19 Oct 2010, 13:24 #7 

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Thanks ever so much chaps! Really Appreciate it! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hail: :hail: :hail:

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 17:49 #8 

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Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:
Save Modern Languages at Swansea University.

You are signer #2187
Superabit omnia virtus

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 17:57 #9 

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Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:
Save Modern Languages at Swansea University.

You are signer #2189
115,000 miles and counting

Posted 19 Oct 2010, 18:50 #10 

