Just a tad complex by Raistlin

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Does anybody use Cooperative Energy?

If so, watch out if you change your e-mail address. I just informed them of my new e-mail address recently and after a few days got an e-mail back stating that "due to security reasons" they couldn't accept instructions from my new e-mail address. So, I had to re-create my old e-mail address and having done so, sent them an e-mail from that address.

A few days later I received another e-mail from them, quoting a password which I should send to them in an e-mail to confirm that I wanted to change my e-mail address. This I did and a few days later I received another e-mail with a different password which I was supposed to quote in an e-mail (from my new e-mail address)to confirm that the new e-mail address belonged to me.

This I did and some time later I received an e-mail from them, at my new e-mail address, with another password, which I was asked to quote in an e-mail (from my old e-mail address) to confirm that I was the owner of both e-mail addresses.

Today, I received an e-mail, on my new e-mail address stating that "due to security reasons" they couldn't accept instructions from my new e-mail address.

I give up. How does the song go? There's a hole in my bucket dear Liza dear Liza...

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 05 Oct 2013, 18:30 #1 

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(Site Admin)
Thoroughly boggled. :panic:

Posted 05 Oct 2013, 18:59 #2 

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Have you thought of sending them a password to include in all communications to ensure they are employing joined up thinking?
The word 'crikey' was created for occasions such as this. Crikey!

Posted 05 Oct 2013, 22:33 #3 

