Jury Service, wasted day by takestock

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As per title, turned up as instructed 9am this morning, quick sign in and ID confirmation and into the jury waiting room. One jury called, off they went.

11:30 second jury called, off they trot, returned 15mins later, case will continue tomorrow. they all went home.

Rest of us released for lunch at 1pm to return at 2pm. We then all sat around ( around 30 of us) until 4pm to be released until rommorow at 10:15. Clerk saying "We knew it would be like this today as we didn't have many cases starting today".

What a waste. Still, l finished reading my Vulcan 607 book. cracking read.
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 19 Jul 2010, 19:50 #1 

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Let's hope you don't end up on an eighteen month fraud trial Dave ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 19 Jul 2010, 19:54 #2 

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18 month off work, paid, short hours..........Hmmm. mybe you could twist my arm, could I bring my soldering stuff in to the jurours room to start on some VIS (Variable Intake System) motors :D
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 19 Jul 2010, 20:09 #3 

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takestock wrote:18 month off work, paid, short hours..........Hmmm. mybe you could twist my arm, could I bring my soldering stuff in to the jurours room to start on some VIS motors :D

Would your employer hold your post open?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 19 Jul 2010, 20:16 #4 

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Don't know how it works to be honest, big enough company but the contract I am assigned to runs out in March. Then it depends on the level of government funding for the scheme (if any). Are my employers under any obligation?

I just know i am going to find it interesting I just want to get on a case :hissyfit:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 19 Jul 2010, 20:22 #5 

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in the past i've got off doing it as at the time i was the only driver of my firm and they needed me was my reason to get off , also it would of been a bit awkward for other reasons ;) . how ever if it came again i'd smeging well do it as frack the firm and it would likely be a pay rise .

i hope it is sorted out soon for you and you get to read some nice rover books :cheers:

Posted 19 Jul 2010, 20:24 #6 

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takestock wrote: Are my employers under any obligation?

That's a good question. ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 19 Jul 2010, 20:30 #7 

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Bermudan 75
raistlin wrote:
takestock wrote: Are my employers under any obligation?

That's a good question. ;)

Only if you get pregnant............ :stirer:

Posted 19 Jul 2010, 22:29 #8 

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Rover418275 wrote:
raistlin wrote:
takestock wrote: Are my employers under any obligation?

That's a good question. ;)

Only if you get pregnant............ :stirer:

well i look pregnant :gmc:

Posted 20 Jul 2010, 06:25 #9 

takestock wrote:Are my employers under any obligation?

Should find the answers here or the route to them:

http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/docs ... e_0405.pdf

I did Jury Service when I was about 21. Thought 'this is a bore'. Turned out to be anything but. Sleepless nights going over the evidence etc thinking 'someones future could depend upon my decision'.

Yes, there was waiting about but they do need excess numbers in case jury members are objected to.

My treasured memory of it all was of the evidence of a witness to a verbal exchange between two people. He could not say it in court as 'there are ladies present'. So one of the barristers suggested him writing it down. It was then handed to the recorder?, a femal, to the judge and then to one of the Barristers who suggested that the jury needed to see him. The other Barrister suggested that the other should read it out to court for all to hear. So, in a very upper class accent the statement was read out containg many swear words'.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 20 Jul 2010, 07:11 #10 

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Reported speech, however offensive, given during the course of evidence, or for example being read out by CPS advocate, is perfectly acceptable in Court.

It does seem a little surreal though, I must agree, when for example, I hear one of our demure and pretty CPS advocats coming out with a stream of invective and not appearing to blush or turn a hair :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 20 Jul 2010, 10:01 #11 

I was called for Jury service a week after my 21st, I spent 3 weeks on the Jury. First week was easy, a trial of a couple who had a 'Cannabis Plantation' in their loft (over 70 plants lol). The second trial that week was quite disturbing, an assault, some poor guy was set about by another man and his wife, whom where wielding Baseball bats.

My final case, was one that will always stick in my mind due to the audacity of one of the defendants, whom continually verbally abused the Court and the Jury with countless threats of violence and expletives. This case was a 'Conspiracy to commit arson' with Fraud and attempted Murder charges thrown in. That went on for two weeks before being thrown out because aforementioned Defendant had scared a couple of the Jurors enough (with his in Court threats!) for them to request being taken off the Jury. The case was postponed to a later date.

The Cannabis growers got 7 years, The Husband who assaulted the man with a Bat got 5 years - His wife got a suspended sentence !!

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 20 Jul 2010, 10:20 #12 

