Is it just me????? by Zeb

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Just been outside and had a wee bit of an 'altercation' with a gentleman in a white van who was busy filling up bags with the grit from the grit bin stationed on our absolutely lethal 'S' bend (that I have been assiduously gritting every night for the past week).....he wanted it 'for his driveway'.....having pointed out what I thought was the bleeding obvious he seemed most offended and told me to take his number and report him then.... :-|

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 14:11 #1 

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(Site Admin)
One of my neighbours uses the salt/grit bin contents to clear the footpaths and door steps of some of the old folks in the village. Very civic minded. To make sure the bin is replenished for others to use, he phoned the council. They informed him that he could not request the bin be refilled he would have to contact the parish council, who in turn could make the request.
On calling the head of the parish council and explaining the situation, the answer was "I'll get around to it" not a word of thanks. The old folks of course are extremely grateful for Bob's endeavours.

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 14:22 #2 

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After last winter seasons debacle over "not enough grit" I wouldn't be at all surprised if local authorities are being more frugal with this seasons distribution. Certainly they are only gritting the edges of the high street here and not the middle - despite it all being a pedestrianised thoroughfare. :confused:

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 14:27 #3 

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Read the opening line of your post and thought 'what the hell is he telling us that for!'

Quote: 'Just been outside and had a wee . . .'

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 14:42 #4 

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Tourerfogey wrote:Read the opening line of your post and thought 'what the hell is he telling us that for!'

Quote: 'Just been outside and had a wee . . .'

You know me Basil...I like to share this stuff.... :lol:

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 15:00 #5 

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Bermudan 75
I trust you did report the grit thief? :thumbsup:

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 15:24 #6 

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Rover418275 wrote:I trust you did report the grit thief? :thumbsup:

It'd be rude not to..... :lol: Though I am still not clear that it will be classed as 'theft' should be in my opinion!

Anyway, I await a response from the Highways Agency... :D

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 15:38 #7 

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Tourerfogey wrote:Read the opening line of your post and thought 'what the hell is he telling us that for!'

Quote: 'Just been outside and had a wee . . .'

Have to admit Basil I did think the same myself! :clap: :clap:

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 16:36 #8 

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Actually it is an offence to remove said grit or salt for any other location than that for which the bin is allocated.
Good deed aside some areas will charge for theft of as it can also cause accidents by the removal of salt etc.
Police will sometimes take on if not highway authority or council.

As point of interest, the guide for where to treat this year excludes ALL pathways!

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 17:46 #9 

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Cheers John! At the very least it would be nice to think he will get bollocked by some officious council employee... :lol:

I think he was shocked that anyone would dare question him as to what he was doin....certainly spoilt his hopefully it will act as 'aversion therapy'... :x

Posted 01 Dec 2010, 18:10 #10 

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Bermudan 75
JohnDotCom wrote:Actually it is an offence to remove said grit or salt for any other location than that for which the bin is allocated.
Good deed aside some areas will charge for theft of as it can also cause accidents by the removal of salt etc.
Police will sometimes take on if not highway authority or council.

As point of interest, the guide for where to treat this year excludes ALL pathways!

Of course you now know what will happen, nothing. When you chase up your report of theft of the said grit, the Police and Council will say, er yes we would have looked into it but could not do so due to a lack of grit on the roads and due to Health and Safety we had to stay in our nice warm offices.




Posted 01 Dec 2010, 19:47 #11 

