Internet Printing Protocol - Internet Printing Help by Mad-Monkey

I've bought a DLink DPR 1020 to set up a print server so I can use my laser printer accross the network. I've done this and it works quite well, but I want to print accross the internet from my one office to the printer located in the other office.

I have a router, print server and printer connected but can not for the life of me get the damn thing to work :( I've followed every tutorial I can find and it just says "windows can not connect to the printer..."

Anyone any ideas how to set it up? I'll happily pay as I'm going round the bend! :shrug:

I've shared everything, forwarded ports, set up firewalls, removed firewalls etc... I have a static IP address and it is doing my head in.

I tried this before on a Synology NAS Device and couldn't do it, but this is a dedicated device and it still has me going insane!

Posted 04 Oct 2011, 18:50 #1 

I'm feeling like a genius! I've done it! Had to add the port through XP as well as the router for some reason! I'm not sure why as it works with that PC off. I'm happy now! :-)

Posted 05 Oct 2011, 15:59 #2 
