Insurance cost by PaulT

Phew. Have only just insured my car – changed back to who I was with previously, M&S. One of the main reasons is that they offer RAC UK and European Breakdown as part of the package. As about half of my 25,000 miles per year is done in France felt the need for a good breakdown company.

I have experience of RAC Breakdown in France having hired a van to take some stuff to our house there and being told I needed to arrange breakdown cover for it. This I did with the RAC. Inevitably it broke down (it was a bit of a heap) and the support from the RAC was absolutely superb hence the reason I went back to them.

Anyway, the story…..

Current car is a 2001 Connie SE CDT manual fully comprehensive, business use, key cover, legal cover and, as mentioned RAC cover. Premium £388, taken out at the end of April.

Was thinking of changing the car and just phoned up for a quote on a 2004 Connie SE CDTi auto. The premium £530.

Seems to me quite a difference in premium for something that will have a bit more value and a bit more power.


That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 09 May 2011, 09:32 #1 

User avatar
My insurance this year looks like going from £380 to £620 all for sp30 (36 in a 30) :(
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 09 May 2011, 11:57 #2 

Ouch - that is some rise. I suppose the companies latch on to anything to increase the premiums.

I've got a nice clean licence.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 09 May 2011, 12:16 #3 

User avatar
You best stick with an older 75 then! just re-newed mine last week (end of April) and only paying £259 with protected no Claims and only £100 excess. Did not re-new with existing insurer as they wanted £289 with £350 excess, so I went and found Aviva which were the cheapest. :-D

Posted 09 May 2011, 20:10 #4 

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Can't believe some of the premiums some of you pay.
A new increase to policy cost coming to light is if you leave your car parked on a drive overnight etc.
This is increasing premiums as people know which house to break into to pinch the keys, which most people leave in view or on a hook etc.
Cheapest now is Garaged then on street, how things change.
No matter what security you have on the car worth sweet FA if they pinch the keys!

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 09 May 2011, 22:37 #5 

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It is a sad statistic that this type of crime (stealing cars by breaking into homes just for the keys) is on the rise. As always common sense prevails by keeping your keys hidden out-of-sight such as in a drawer well away from any of the doors of the house.

Posted 10 May 2011, 11:58 #6 

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Leaving a car on a street, the car then is more prown to vandalism.

Having a car in a garage, then it is more easier to break into a garage door lock than a Five Lever Mortice Dead Lock which most homes have fitted now-a-days to the front doors.

Did you know! it is more easier for a thieve to break into a house through a garage door and enter the home through the side-door that enters the house (normally via the kitchen) than it is to break into the house through the front door.

You will be surprised to hear that many folk will leave their garage door unlocked and even the garage inner-door that leads into their homes. Some folk even leave the keys in the car while its parked in their garage as they feel that the car will be safe, :-o through the day car's are left in a garage with the keys in and with the garage door up and open....... :-o

Most folk would not leave the keys in their car when its parked on the drive or on a road, but they feel it is safe to leave the keys in the car when car is parked in the garage with door up and open, go figure that one!

Having a garage makes some folk careless which adds to the crime rate, the insurance companies know of this......

Posted 10 May 2011, 12:46 #7 
