I confess to having occasionally wept at the intentional callousness of it all.
There is no longer democratic government. David Cameron is simply the eager Manager of some larger concern. Who are the Directors? Who owns the franchise?
The taxes we pay are being diverted to that businesses interests. Our state owned institutions are being maliciously broken then pointed out as failing and in need of privatisation.
Come the election it matters not who we vote in because it will just be a change of managers for the UK branch of the same global business. I think there may still be some worthy members of Parliament but they aren't allowed near the front of the house.
Agenda 21 was initially intended to address world issues of food and energy resources but the big business that pays our Manager didn't like the way that was heading so they set about monopolising world food production and energy resources. They believe it's necessary to reduce world population to as low as a tenth of the current level.
I'm delighted to see that you question what is going on rather than bleating out the mantras of the media.
Another angry source of interesting topics from someone without political bias for the current parties:-
http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.co.uk ... urope.html