I have no problem with the fact that I had two logins which resulted in a ban. "Them's the rules." The remedy might well be a tad OTT but I can't say I wasn't aware.
I must say though, that I laughed my socks off at certain members who seemed to be on the re-discovering orgasm over there because I am a Magistrate
I believe I described the event itself as "Perry Mason on steroids" or reminiscent of the stoning scene from Life of Brian. Others have described it in equally dismissive and derogatory terms.
What the F*** has having two (or more) logins got to do with anything that matters. Forum is a game for gawd's sake. Ones and zeros, transient images
Good things might come from being a member of a forum. I have experienced that myself, but the politics and the baiting of the keyboard warriors and so on, isn't real.
Let's face it, some of the things said from the security of a computer desk just wouldn't be said face to face, unless you were cruisin' for a bruisin'
Unfortunately, I think that some people have trouble distinguishing between real life, where things actually matter and the "La-la land" that is internet fora. No disrespect to anybody running a forum, I'm involved in the running of a few myself, some of which make that place look like kindergarten, but some people really need to get a life other than internet fora.