I've got a squirrel hanging off my nuts by Fred

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Just been looking out in my back garden where I've been feeding birds since last autumn but have also generously donated to the local squirrel population. The little devils chewed through the original plastic feeders I had so I bought some with wire cages round them. Sadly most of the birds wouldn't feed from these so I've now got some without cages, but with metal feeding hole's so the squirrels can't damage them. They seem to find the easiest way to feed is to hang off the perches by their front legs and just help themselves through the feeding hole.

It's all been very entertaining to watch, especially when mum squirrel first brought the youngsters for a feed. They got quite frustrated trying to feed at first and spent most of the time chasing each other around. Sadly I've not been able to get close enough for any decent photos, but at least watching them has been fun.

Posted 05 Jun 2010, 08:38 #1 

