I agree with your interpretation of the bald facts Jumper and I am also well known for my criticism of the media for never letting the facts get in the way of a good story, but my misgivings here stem from, if you will, a (possible) future interpolation whereby the concept of English jurisprudence being held ransom to the vagaries of an archaic, indeed to Western sensibilities, barbaric system would be acceptable, if not inevitable.
Specifically regarding the writing and interpretation of wills. I can see a future where a will is declared immune to contestation under English jurisprudence at which point the cry "Ah, but under Sharia law..."
Not in the immediate future I agree and maybe a future which will not come to pass but nonetheless of concern to me. Human history, in my view, is littered with examples of "It'll never happen"
I also think that Wood makes a valid point in the article, although somewhat taken out of context by the admittedly lurid headline.
As an aside, in my view, and from what little study I've made of the subject, Halakha, or Torah law, if you prefer, including Mitzvot, Rabbinic and Talmudic closely parallels, in most respects, English law, in principal if not in execution