I nearly choked on my coffee by Raistlin

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I've just been watching Cameron giving forth on PMQs and he came up with a phrase which made me almost choke on my coffee:-

ethics and morality

I was truly surprised that an MP would be able to utter such words without them turning to ashes and the roof of the commons collapsing with a clap of thunder.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 06 Jul 2011, 12:13 #1 

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I don't think he is in a position to be commenting on the morality of people from ethics anyway.

Posted 06 Jul 2011, 12:16 #2 

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Wonder if he'll be so keen to use those words when Andy Coulson goes down for bribery and corruption....

Posted 06 Jul 2011, 12:19 #3 
