I am guilty of claiming excess mileage allowance as a JP.
I had a snotty letter today saying that my travel claims would not be processed as I was claiming 4 miles from home to Court and their new software calculates that this is totally untrue. In fact, they say, the true distance is actually 3.875 miles.
The fact that I've been claiming the same distance for over ten years makes this sort of exercise something of a mockery when you bear in mind that 4 miles was the distance I was told to claim by the Court from day 1. Also bear in mind that they will not accept distances including fractions of a mile in claims.
I knew it was a retrograde step to allow the Civil Service to take over (read cock up) the running of the Courts service
Oh god, I feel so depraved, disingenuous and maybe even venal now, just the right calibre of individual to enter parliament