Some of you will know that my somewhat "can do" attitude hasn't gone down very well on one or two of the Jaguar fora. I can't sleep at night for worrying about that

In fact, I changed my username on one of the fora to "Can't be done" in honour of a certain smug, self-satisfied armchair pundit... until a moderator provided me with erm guidance

Now I've just done it again by deliberately doing something which "can't be done", not because it is a useful modification but because... and purely because, I like to gainsay certain people when they annoy me

So what did I do? Well, in just over an hour, I designed and tested a circuit which dips one or both door mirrors to view the kerb when reverse is selected, returning the mirror(s) to default position when reverse is de-selected.
Even better, although my experimental lash-up looks ungainly, I believe that the final module will be in a box smaller than a matchbox and requiring the connection of only five wires

Can't be done? Red rag to a bull, that statement

I wonder if I'm going to be banned from that particular forum? Mind you, since late afternoon, I've had just under 40 enquiries about the mod.