i have now permanantly left the owners club!! by payner75t (Page 2 of 3)

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Mick wrote:
starbug2 wrote:
Mick wrote:
MrB wrote:
payner75t wrote:i see they closed my leaving thread , now there's a surprise!!!!

You think the butty eater deliberately mis-spelled his entire post when closing that?? Or is his spelling really that poor?

Poor spelling and punctuation merely indicate a lack of education, not a lack of intelligence. The two are very often confused, and sometimes for very good reason. :roll: ;)

sorry to disagree but some are dyslexic , :em: something i know about :gmc: :oops: :scotland: . i'm still on my hol's in scotland :scotland:

I'm sure you know how to spell irony though. ;)

only if i ask the wife :clap:

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 08:13 #21 

Mick wrote:
MrB wrote:
payner75t wrote:i see they closed my leaving thread , now there's a surprise!!!!

You think the butty eater deliberately mis-spelled his entire post when closing that?? Or is his spelling really that poor?

Poor spelling and punctuation merely indicate a lack of education, not a lack of intelligence. The two are very often confused, and sometimes for very good reason. :roll: ;)

I have never been pulled up over my spelling or punctuation which is one of the thing I like about the clubs (here and the other side) and do hope it stays that way.
or is no one reading by post's. :roll:

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 08:41 #22 

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kevin wrote:
Mick wrote:
MrB wrote:
payner75t wrote:i see they closed my leaving thread , now there's a surprise!!!!

You think the butty eater deliberately mis-spelled his entire post when closing that?? Or is his spelling really that poor?

Poor spelling and punctuation merely indicate a lack of education, not a lack of intelligence. The two are very often confused, and sometimes for very good reason. :roll: ;)

I have never been pulled up over my spelling or punctuation which is one of the thing I like about the clubs (here and the other side) and do hope it stays that way.
or is no one reading by post's. :roll:

One of our unwritten rules, never pick anybody up on spelling, punctuation or grammar. We gave no quarter to anybody that did, it is just another form of bullying.

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 10:34 #23 

goodlittlewifey wrote:I wondered if Christopher deliberately chose mods that get wound up easily,
I have had the same thought over the past few weeks.

The ineptitude of some of the new mods is breathtaking.

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 10:40 #24 

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CDTi wrote:
goodlittlewifey wrote:I wondered if Christopher deliberately chose mods that get wound up easily,
I have had the same thought over the past few weeks.

The ineptitude of some of the new mods is breathtaking.

Not getting emotionally involved with the barracking is something that can only be learned through practice. Think carefully before responding and or run it past your colleagues to the extent of having a rant and rave in the mod forum before replying clearly and precisely without emotion.
The problem some of them are having now is replying instantly, and no doubt regretting a lot of what they are saying. That may sound a bit pompous but I can assure you all we learned through our mistakes, many of them, but we have now had in excess of 4 years of practice and tend to be able to make emotion free replies in very quick time. Not always easy. :)

Having the quality of membership as on this forum makes the job very easy, for that we thank you all.

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 10:49 #25 

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Zeb wrote:Starbug...you are of course quite correct....but we happen to know that in your case you are perfectly well educated, intelligent, charming, witty and have a high degree of social eptness. :)

The same cannot be said of everyone who frequents the forums.

I agree wholeheartedly Zeb,

Inevitably within the postulated sequence of these forums, the leaguer camps of the 'quick food' clique will clash with those of a higher intellect.

Bit like a pub, the building stays the same, but over time, the surrounding environments social identity, determines whether you feel comfortable inside ...

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 13:04 #26 

payner75t wrote:after browsing through some threads over there i discoverd most of my posts had been removed with no explination.
one mod followed me round and closed my new threads!!
absolutely ridiculous!!!!
the place is now being run by
very power hungry moderators
in my opinion what was a good club appears to be only for a select few whio are willing to to do whatever they want to stifle debate.!!!
very very sad and upset.!!!!!

Permanently - but you are still posting on there today??

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 20:54 #27 

I have sent him a pm on the other site making just the same point! No reply as yet :?:

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 21:03 #28 

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Methinks he just had a bad night....that's the trouble with posting stuff up when one perhaps shouldn't...one's words become immortalised. :roll:

Posted 08 Jul 2010, 21:57 #29 

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Mick wrote:One of our unwritten rules, never pick anybody up on spelling, punctuation or grammar. We gave no quarter to anybody that did, it is just another form of bullying.

Of course, it also leaves the grammar police with the proverbial Sword of Damocles hanging over their head. EVERYBODY makes mistakes... with the possible exception of Zeb :gmc: ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 05:55 #30 

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raistlin wrote:
Mick wrote:One of our unwritten rules, never pick anybody up on spelling, punctuation or grammar. We gave no quarter to anybody that did, it is just another form of bullying.

Of course, it also leaves the grammar police with the proverbial Sword of Damocles hanging over their head. EVERYBODY makes mistakes... with the possible exception of Zeb :gmc: ;)

Nice of you to say Paul....but of late I am making more and more technical errors.....I put it down to too much else going on....but it could just be a deteriorating keyboard.. :?

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 06:17 #31 

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Anybody heard from Mike (Rover418275)?

He's still suspended on the 75ZT club forums - bad lad! :clap:

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 06:37 #32 

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Haven't quite worked out why?

I couldn't see anything particularly contraversial on their from him? Mind you , that could because it got removed??
Member No. 143
Mods so far: LED sidelights, interior lights and number plate lamps, Rover Xenon Headlights, Kenlowe Fan, Synergy 2 and EGR Bypass

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 08:27 #33 

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MrB wrote:Haven't quite worked out why?

I couldn't see anything particularly contraversial on their from him? Mind you , that could because it got removed??

I think in ordinary circumstances he would just have got a rap on the knuckles on the thread for his comments.....in the then 'heightened atmosphere' he was suspended. There are ways and means of making one's point without that happening and there are ways and means of encouraging members to behave well too...without suspending them....on this occasion things went awry. I am sure he will be back. :) So I wouldn't bother searching too hard for his nortiness.....life is too short. :D

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 08:35 #34 

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Zeb wrote:I think in ordinary circumstances he would just have got a rap on the knuckles on the thread for his comments.....in the then 'heightened atmosphere' he was suspended. There are ways and means of making one's point without that happening and there are ways and means of encouraging members to behave well too...without suspending them....on this occasion things went awry. I am sure he will be back. :) So I wouldn't bother searching too hard for his nortiness.....life is too short. :D

Zeb I quite agree

I didn't go a hunting, which is probably why I can't understand his suspension.

I just hope things calm down over there.

People just need to realise their questions aren't going to get answered, not publicly anyway.

Seems to me the moderators have been charged with the task of removing any undesirables by banning them or by driving them out.

The club members will be the worse for it, but the Directors know new people will continue to join the owner's club.
Member No. 143
Mods so far: LED sidelights, interior lights and number plate lamps, Rover Xenon Headlights, Kenlowe Fan, Synergy 2 and EGR Bypass

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 08:44 #35 

suzublu wrote:I have sent him a pm on the other site making just the same point! No reply as yet :?:

i have now!!! i've calmed down a bit now , was having a bad couple of days and having worries about one of my children's health .(he's, been in and out of hospital in london since easter and he's only eight!!)
it was the fact i got attacked by one mod and a couple of other members that made me angry enough to say what i did.
not sure how much i will post on either site for the next couple of weeks as said son goes back to hospital on friday and will be there for a while. :nurse:
the french have invaded my roverspace

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 09:17 #36 

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payner75t wrote:
suzublu wrote: son goes back to hospital on friday and will be there for a while. :nurse:

Best wishes to your lad for a swift recovery and also to you and family, sincerely hope it's all sorted soonest.

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 09:33 #37 

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payner75t wrote:
suzublu wrote:I have sent him a pm on the other site making just the same point! No reply as yet :?:

i have now!!! i've calmed down a bit now , was having a bad couple of days and having worries about one of my children's health .(he's, been in and out of hospital in london since easter and he's only eight!!)
it was the fact i got attacked by one mod and a couple of other members that made me angry enough to say what i did.
not sure how much i will post on either site for the next couple of weeks as said son goes back to hospital on friday and will be there for a while. :nurse:

Sorry to hear about your lad. Hope all is well soon.
Member No. 143
Mods so far: LED sidelights, interior lights and number plate lamps, Rover Xenon Headlights, Kenlowe Fan, Synergy 2 and EGR Bypass

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 09:34 #38 

thanks for the best wishes, hopefully this will be his last stay in hospital. (having his appendix removed, which was the cause of all his health problems) then hopefully back to some form of normality . (he has only had about 12 days at school since the easter holiday.)
going backward and forward to the royal london hospital has been stressful and costly but you can't put a price on someone's health.
i guess the sniping at me on the club site pushed me i bit too far. don't know really.
anyway feeling a bit more mellow now , just need to my son's op out the way and his recovery and i will be my old self ,sort of.!!!
the french have invaded my roverspace

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 09:50 #39 

Puts life into perspective doesn't it.

Recently met someone who has just been diagnosed with MS. Makes all these forum spats seem pretty smal beer.

Best wishes for your son's op. Tony.

Posted 09 Jul 2010, 14:43 #40 
