Yep that's right I've taken the plunge & bought myself a big shouty V8. I had a week off about 3 weeks ago & went scrapyarding with Ronnie (suzublu) & we looked at a 75 & a 1.8 turbo ZT but there was nothing of any real worth on either car so heading back to the car I noticed an X-Power Grey ZT sat behind a Fiat taxi so wandered across & noticed it had been bumped in much the same fashion as Grovey was last winter so I started thinking it would be an easy fix might get a quick few quid on it if I patched it up & sold it on but as I walked round it I noticed the V8 badge on the wing so instantly looked inside to confirm it was the real thing. The little wheels instantly started whirring around in the space between my ears so we asked "Is it for sale?" & "How much?" satisfied with both answers we headed off to do more scrapyarding & after a bit of dreaming etc. I kind of thought naaah it wont happen but it had got under my skin & after a few sleepless nights I decided it had to be bought. Sadly it went on ebay & then someone started a thread on the owners club about it & I thought well that's it I've missed out but on checking the ad I noticed nobody had bid on it so I rang the yard & said
"That old V8 Rover thingy I looked at the other day"
"Oh aye"
"I'd like to buy it off you"
"That's fine"
"I'll paypal a deposit & see you on Thursday"
"No problem at all"
So armed with an assistant, some trade plates & the balance we headed off down there & bought it.

I then stripped off the damaged bits to reveal one small hidden issue which was the airbox & intake ducting was smashed to bits.

I immediately panicked & started thinking of ways around it as it was unlikely I'd find one but then after a tip off from tonybubble I got one on ebay. This has now been fitted & I have replaced the broken headlamp & sourced a bumper which has now been painted & built up with the exception of the O/S indicator which is alledgedly on it's way & the powerwash jets as one was missing & the new replacement is the wrong one.
I've replaced the front discs & pads & rear pads & adjusted the handbrake, given it a good service & it's been on the T4
(Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) for a health check & to have it's options tweaked so all in all it's coming together nicely

Four's plenty don't you think?

Something has to be done with the green wheels