There are some people for whom a disqualification means nothing Jürgen. However, in my experience, those people are few and far between, regardless of what the media would have us believe. Most people are like me and wouldn't dream of doing so.
If she is caugut driving while disqualified though, the starting point for sentencing is prison. The Police have a very good database of those disqualified linked to car registration numbers which are flagged up by ANPR checks. In addition, it is... likely... that local Police will be keeping an eye out for this individual

I wasn't trying to be argumentative

rather just trying to illustrate that when making decisions in matters of this sort, we don't have the luxury of proceeding without evidence, tempting though it might be

As to getting away with it. If Joe Public hadn't rallied around the people nearly knocked down on the crossing, then she would REALLY have got away with it. Regardless of the overall outcome, that co-operation between a disparate group of individuals somewhat renews my jaded faith in public spiritedness

Six months disqualification can be a very long time, especially if your employment depends upon your mobility