Car a 2004 Facelift Connie SE CDTi Auto.
The car has not been through flood water and the plenums are clear.
One of the front side lights has been out for a while - it is a wiring problem so intending sorting it out when I take the bumper off to install an additional horn so it shows up on the IPK (Instrument pack (IPK from the German)) as a bulb out.
Today went shopping and the warning light went off and came back on a few times and ten stayed on.
Came home and locked the car and a little while later the alarm went off (does not have the sensor inside for movement). Pressed the open and close buttons and was OK for a couple of hours when it went off again. Went out opened all doors and closed them and reset the alarm and as I walked away it went of again so unlocked the car. A little later a neighbour knocked ad told me that the brake lights were on. Went out to check and with the car turned off the IPK was lit up with all the warning symbols showing, mileage etc. Started the car and turned it off. The engine stopped but not as quickly as normal, i.e. turn key engine stops but this time there was a lag. Disconnected the battery and left it for 30 minutes. Went back and reconnected the battery. The headlights flashed and went off, the brake lights were once again on and the IPK lit up. Started and turned off and once again the engine was not too keen to stop. In addition, it seemed to show EP for a split second. With the car turned off the underbonnet pump seemed to be running. Disconnected the battery and put finger to keyboard in the hope that someone can help.
That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play