Hello everyone and many thanks for your greetings and wishes.
It is true that I have not been on the forums for a while now due to a heavy load of work in Cairo (we have started the tests of the project that I'm working on there and which the 3rd Metro line in Cairo). So there is a little time for me to spend behind a desk and a computer, and the evenings and week ends are sometimes too short to spend time behind a computer screen as sometimes we have to work double shifts to do things on time...
Now that I'm in France for the holidays, I also had a lot of things to do around here for my family and off course my 75. Can't tell you the pleasure that I still get each time I get behind the wheel after each long absence...
I'm glad the community is still going strong

and hope I'll have some more time to login from now on.
Best wishes to all for 2011 and the coming years, and miss you all and missing the meets as well (for the moment

I hope I do not offend any one by not being on line (if anyone thought I was doing this for some odd reason)
Kind Regards,