Hi Gary.
Quick up date on the R53 compensator in exchange for the R75 one, I purchased the full jobbie it arrived today, and I can agree it looks to be a straight swap, but both compensator and cable must be used.
This makes for a bit of extra work when fitting, I have in the past had to fir a cable due to it being thread bear, and one which snapped, and one that the front nut had locked onto.
The cable can be removed with the little tag bent round, and the front nut remove, the cable is then pulled through, the difficult part is getting the cable back in, sore hand cuts and grazes, take about 45 minutes if all goe's to plan.
As I have one in my possession now I will seek to fit it some time soon maybe at the meet the weekend as always I will back post up with photo's weather it is going to be cost effective or not remains to be seen, cheers Arctic.


Tag needs to be bent back to remove the cable.



pull cable through it's aperture

Cable and equaliser are the same length once removed

R53 compensator fits the rear cable attachments ball fittings.


SSC & R53 compensators side by side both would never stretch again in my opinion, but less work involved with the SSC when fitting, as just the compensator is fitted whereas the cable and compensator would have to be fitted if the R53 is fitted.

But it/the (R53) looks to be an alternative if members so wished to use and go down that road, cost second hand is on average £20.00 from the bay of everything.

Close up of the R75 SSC/& the R53


Hopefully I will get chance to fit later this week and report back cheers Arctic