Went to price up a little job today & the old boy said oh fetch your car down the back lane or you'll have to pay for parking, sounds fair enough, looked at the job, went in for a quick cuppa came out & there it was
"Oh" he said "well I suppose it is permit holders only down here"
So instead of 50p for the meter it's cost me £35

great isn't it? I've just layed out all my Christmas money on repairing the car then the windscreen cracked with the frost so nthat's another £70 for the excess & now this.....................it'll be going on the price of the job of course but I've still got to find it in the meantime
To top it all I've just gone online to pay it & it says the notice number is invalid I mean for goodness sake are they purposely making it awkward? or am I just being unreasonable?
Why oh why is it everytime I try & do someone a favour do I always end up out of pocket
Thanks for listening that is all