Bought a nice touchscreen tablet to run the T4
(Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) the other week. Finally got round to installing RDS and sorting out my network problem as it wouldn't talk to the
T4 box. Plugged it in today and my god it's slow. In fact slow doesn't sum it up! However before RDS was installed it was a fairly nippy device. Only Intel Duo 1ghz but really nice to work with. Then worse than that RDS has no uninstall!

Only took 5min to do a restore though

Anyone any ideas where the drag would be? RDS doesn't seem that resource hungry despite over taking the PC, and flits between the menu's at speed. Talking to the car is a mare though so could be the LAN??
Normal laptop runs a charm and about 20x quicker, I'm not exagerating that either!