The navigation does not seem to work correctly:
If I try to enter Crawley I get a whole number of Crawleys appear but not the one in West Sussex (population 100,000).
Start to enter Horley (Surrey), where I moved from recently, and you input HORL and then it offers just one Horley, the one in Oxfordshire. That one has a population of 319, the one in Surrey has 194,200. Not to be outdone, enter the postcode of my old house, RH6 8LG and you input RH but, as letters disappear and reappear during input, by inputting RH all the numbers disappear.
So let's try Sutton where I used to work, this has a population of 194,200. No, a load of other Suttons but not the one I want. Try putting in the postcode of where I worked SM2 5NF and input SM and then there are no numbers.
Other large places also do not appear, hence my trusty TomTom is still in the car - not my plan when buying Radioguys unit.
There have been emails and I have checked I have the map files on the SD as Sean asked. However, I note the advert states latest maps but mine are dated 13/08/2010 - I am sure IGO have updated them since.
Three weeks ago Sean stated that he would get Mark to contact me to sort out the problem as he is not in the UK. To date, no contact.
On another thing, in setup the RDS button is not lit and clicking on it does nothing. Sean informs me that this no longer lights up as they ll have RDS yet I see in another place that he has told someone who has a new unit to check that the RDS button is lit! Carl (Carlpenn) what is the situation with your RDS button in setup?
One reply from Sean seemed to indicate that I had a s/h unit but he assures me that is not the case and that 'Eamon' who ever he is confused me with another Paul who had a s/h unit.
Perhaps I should have listened to you Jake and gone the Highline route.
That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play