Frog & Wicket, South East meet by stevemac

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I am thinking of organising another South East meet at the Frog & Wicket either the end of September or early October, probably the last of the year. I haven't contacted them yet for a free Sunday. Is anyone interested and which Sunday would you like?

Look on their photo gallery, I'm sure one of those photo's is of our meet.
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 31 Aug 2010, 11:27 #1 

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stevemac wrote:I am thinking of organising another South East meet at the Frog & Wicket either the end of September or early October, probably the last of the year. I haven't contacted them yet for a free Sunday. Is anyone interested and which Sunday would you like?

Look on their photo gallery, I'm sure one of those photo's is of our meet.

Sounds good Steve - I'll try to make this one, but I couldn't do the weekend of 18/19 Sept. The photo on their gallery looks like the first meet we had there.

If all else the instructions.

Posted 31 Aug 2010, 11:44 #2 

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Pedro wrote:Sounds good Steve - I'll try to make this one, but I couldn't do the weekend of 18/19 Sept. The photo on their gallery looks like the first meet we had there.

Hi Peter, It'll be good to see you again. I still have your spare Crofts in a safe place. So safe, in fact, I can't remember where they are! I'll no doubt find them before the meet. I'll try and steer clear of the 18/19th.
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 31 Aug 2010, 11:59 #3 

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I'll try to bring the V8 along - moving house sometime in that timeframe so will see nearer the time

Posted 31 Aug 2010, 15:40 #4 

would me nice to make a meet, hopfully it will be a date im off work.
if it is will be therre. :)

Posted 07 Sep 2010, 14:49 #5 

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kevin wrote:would me nice to make a meet, hopfully it will be a date im off work.
if it is will be therre. :)

Be good to see you again Kevin. Hope your gearbox is OK now. I have asked the pub to come up with some suitable Sundays that they are free. I'll let you know soon.
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 07 Sep 2010, 15:21 #6 

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John Howard
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 26 Sep 2010, 19:36 #7 
