Fitting a used high line IPK in place of a low line by PaulT

Have been reading elsewhere about reading the data out of a low line IPK (Instrument pack (IPK from the German)) and then programming that data in to a used high line IPK and making a change to set it so that it knows it is a higline thus enabling the message centre.

Anyone have any comments on this?

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 14 Feb 2012, 08:43 #1 

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I think someone may know how to take a used IPK and make it 'new' again which solves the problem more easily.

Posted 14 Feb 2012, 09:16 #2 

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Bermudan 75
I think Monk and / or Russ might be able to help.

Posted 14 Feb 2012, 09:53 #3 

I can do it, or if you have a t4 operator who can program it in for you I can reprogram the whole unit by post or if you are handy with a soldering iron, take out the EPROM and send it to me and I'll pop on the BIN file and return. The BIN files are freely available so if you have your own programmer give it a whirl, even easier.

I'm not sure if you can just swap out the two EPROMs from the lowline to highline, it's not something I've needed to do but no doubt you can and there is info on this.

Posted 14 Feb 2012, 10:01 #4 

Monk wrote:I can do it, or if you have a t4 operator who can program it in for you I can reprogram the whole unit by post or if you are handy with a soldering iron, take out the EPROM and send it to me and I'll pop on the BIN file and return. The BIN files are freely available so if you have your own programmer give it a whirl, even easier.

I'm not sure if you can just swap out the two EPROMs from the lowline to highline, it's not something I've needed to do but no doubt you can and there is info on this.

Excellent - a way forward, will pm you - new ones seem to have dried up.

It will be for a diesel auto - does it matter if it is from a manual or an auto?


That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 14 Feb 2012, 10:49 #5 

Hi, is there any more news on this, as I would like to upgrade my IPK. Please let me know
Andrew G

Posted 23 Feb 2012, 22:00 #6 

It got continued by PM, sorry! It works out easier to have the IPK you want installed reporgrammed to think its new and then have it coded on a T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System). Find yourself a decent Hi-Line Message Centre IPK and then the eeprom inside can be reprogrammed to a new state to be installed to the car.

You can do it by just using a standard programmer and the old data from your current IPK but you need to know which bits you are changing to tell the eeprom its now a Hi-Line unit. Its easier to have a second hand IPK blanked and then any T4 operator can install it for you :)

Posted 23 Feb 2012, 22:07 #7 

If I can get myhands on a S/H message centre unit, and send it to you, can you blank it and make it think it's new, and what would be the approximate cost?
Would bring it to you, but I guess you are probably a long way from Cornwall!!

Posted 29 Feb 2012, 19:44 #8 

Yeah sure, I'll pop you a pm. :)

Posted 29 Feb 2012, 20:48 #9 

