First Light BBC4? ...anyone? by geesmith

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I was watching "First Light" last night, I think it was BBC4...a docudrama of a Battle of Britain Spitfire pilots experiences. The pilot was Geoffrey Wellum DFC and occasionally during the programme he appeared in one point driving along in his 75. :)

One of the few having moved on from a Spitfire to one of the few Rover 75's. Well done Geoffrey on both counts. It was impossible to tell if Geoffs 75 had the German powerplant but the car was very British. Earlyish with drivers grab handle above the door.

The scene cut from him flying his Spitfire to an over the shoulder shot of him driving a car with what at first appeared to be period dash...until I realised they had cut to the present day. :D :whump: :unionflag:

Posted 15 Sep 2010, 22:07 #1 

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(Site Admin)
Being discussed here:- viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1835 :) :)

Posted 15 Sep 2010, 23:22 #2 

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