Fault finding terminology sticky? by Duncan

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We have a sticky for technical terms like IPK (Instrument pack (IPK from the German)), FBH (Fuel burning heater.) and so on. But is it worth having one specifically for terms used for describing faults or investigating them.

I'm involved in a number of forums and there's often miscommunication of a fault becuase different people have different understandings of things. That's not anyones fault, more that some people are experienced at take terms for granted, others may not.

I'm thinking of things like ' the engine doesn't turn over'. Now to me that means the starter motor doesn't turn the engine round, but I've seen many many times where the poster means the engine goes round but doesn't start and that makes a huge difference in diagnosis.

So is it worth doing a separate thread in the tech help areas, or should we add to the existing thread? Comments invited!

Posted 08 Jun 2012, 19:43 #1 

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(Site Admin)
I agree, most annoying and difficult to diagnose faults with descriptions like your example.
Probably best to start a new one. Please feel free to start a new topic. I will stick it.

Posted 08 Jun 2012, 19:55 #2 

