Ever decreasing post count . . . by Tourerfogey (Page 2 of 5)

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Bermudan 75
raistlin wrote:Mick, why are your posts decrementing on the club forum?

Decrementing, what a wonderful word. That is what I like about this forum, it lives upto it's title, 'Rover 75 and MG ZT Automotive Carriages for the thinking person'.


Posted 20 Aug 2010, 16:25 #21 

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Cowley_MOA wrote:Oh this is fun! It's just like Count Down :twisted: :lol:

You could well say the clock is ticking then ;)

Posted 20 Aug 2010, 16:37 #22 

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I notice Windrush and a couple of the mods over there have said that they are happy the club will have a long and prosperous future and seem to be very excited.

Could this post deletion really be a sweeping of evidence under the carpet in preparation for new ownership??

Member No. 143
Mods so far: LED sidelights, interior lights and number plate lamps, Rover Xenon Headlights, Kenlowe Fan, Synergy 2 and EGR Bypass

Posted 20 Aug 2010, 17:18 #23 

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Just speculating here but removal of posts does mean less in the database - maybe they are trying to prune out some superfluous posts? They could only really do it to their own posts/threads though. As Mick said - the old Supermoderator forum was rife with threads and posts us four had racked up, their own admin forum would have been similarly full of stuff. Then there are other forums (old and probably new) potentially being pruned too.

Why? That I do not know :confused:

Posted 20 Aug 2010, 17:49 #24 

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Well they never wanted to sell it when asked................. :gmc:

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 20 Aug 2010, 17:50 #25 

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JohnDotCom wrote:Well they never wanted to sell it when asked................. :gmc:

Maybe additional director's coming onboard?

How much would you sell a 'not for profit' company for anyways???

Member No. 143
Mods so far: LED sidelights, interior lights and number plate lamps, Rover Xenon Headlights, Kenlowe Fan, Synergy 2 and EGR Bypass

Posted 20 Aug 2010, 17:58 #26 

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Mick wrote:Just had a butchers, my old post count has gone down by a few hundred so does look like lot's of threads may be going. I can assure everybody that there are many threads and posts in the old Super Mod forum that could get us all hung including the two current directors and the two previous as well if they were made public. Especially some of the stuff I posted. :D In fact most of the stuff I posted. :gmc:

And plenty about me no doubt :hissyfit:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 20 Aug 2010, 18:00 #27 

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Not all of them Dave. ;)

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 20 Aug 2010, 18:36 #28 

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Bermudan 75
The 75ZT OC is, in my humble opinion, as someone who has been banned, a very good club. The cars and members are the rock upon which the club was formed. However as it is a limited company it is subject to company law.

The Companies Act requires that the directors are transparent in their actions and are accountable to their shareholders. The directors treat the members with scorn and seem to be totally incapable ot responding to the needs and requirements of the members.

Am I qualifed to comment on this? yes, I was the Chairman of a board of directors of a property company with a turnover of £250,000. My shareholders were the leaseholders of flats in a development of 450 flats. I was required to keep them informed of developments with the day to day management of the estate and had to provide annual accounts to be presented at an AGM.

All limited companies have to hold AGMs and present accounts.

Has anyone been presented with any accounts etc for the 75/ZT OC ?

All professionals are expected to act with transparency, that includes company directors.

Deletion of posts etc and banning of members is a sign that the powers that be, feel threatened and are incapable of responding to their critics.

Fortunately we now have an alternative, this forum. I again reiterate, the 75ZT OC is a great club, but cannot say the same for the people running it. This forum understands that it is the members who count not the administrators.

Why was I banned? because I spoke my mind which was in support of the mods who formed this forum.

I am ex-RAF, RAF personnel before me died to protect our freedom of speech......



Posted 23 Aug 2010, 17:31 #29 

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Rover418275 wrote:I am ex-RAF, RAF personnel before me died to protect our freedom of speech......

After the utter disgrace of what happened last night, the sheer abomination in the face of democracy, freedom of speech is the last thing one would expect from over there.

It seems that the mods are using it as their own personal Star Chamber owing to the fact that the management have apparently abandoned it and the mods have no moderating influence applied to themselves whatsoever. They have clearly learned nothing other than an overinflated view of their own self importance.

Mind you, with one of them having been witnessed as saying "Annoy me and I'll ban you" face to face with a member, is there anything to be surprised at.

They don't even have the courtesy to be polite in their PMs.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes has never been more apt, in my view. :evil:

Now, I'm not a great advocate of Wiki, but this direct quote is, I believe, particularly appropriate in its description of the modern usage of the term Star Chamber:-

In modern usage, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings and secretive proceedings are sometimes called, metaphorically or poetically, star chambers. This is a pejorative term and intended to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings. The inherent lack of objectivity of any politically motivated charges has led to substantial reforms in English law in most jurisdictions since that time.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 18:29 #30 

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Rover418275 wrote:The 75ZT OC is, in my humble opinion, as someone who has been banned, a very good club. The cars and members are the rock upon which the club was formed. However as it is a limited company it is subject to company law.

The Companies Act requires that the directors are transparent in their actions and are accountable to their shareholders. The directors treat the members with scorn and seem to be totally incapable ot responding to the needs and requirements of the members.

Am I qualifed to comment on this? yes, I was the Chairman of a board of directors of a property company with a turnover of £250,000. My shareholders were the leaseholders of flats in a development of 450 flats. I was required to keep them informed of developments with the day to day management of the estate and had to provide annual accounts to be presented at an AGM.

All limited companies have to hold AGMs and present accounts.

Has anyone been presented with any accounts etc for the 75/ZT OC ?

All professionals are expected to act with transparency, that includes company directors.

Deletion of posts etc and banning of members is a sign that the powers that be, feel threatened and are incapable of responding to their critics.

Fortunately we now have an alternative, this forum. I again reiterate, the 75ZT OC is a great club, but cannot say the same for the people running it. This forum understands that it is the members who count not the administrators.

Why was I banned? because I spoke my mind which was in support of the mods who formed this forum.

I am ex-RAF, RAF personnel before me died to protect our freedom of speech......



Mike, I'm sure that you will find that the directors of the club are also the shareholders and therefore are the 'members' referred to by the Companies Act 2006. They therefore need only to account to themselves. The 'members' of the club are no more than paying customers who can obtain abbreviated accounts from Companies House which have limited value. The club members therefore have few rights unless these are bestowed on them from on high.

If all else fails......read the instructions.

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 19:44 #31 

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raistlin wrote:After the utter disgrace of what happened last night, the sheer abomination in the face of democracy, freedom of speech is the last thing one would expect from over there.

It seems that the mods are using it as their own personal Star Chamber owing to the fact that the management have apparently abandoned it and the mods have no moderating influence applied to themselves whatsoever. They have clearly learned nothing other than an overinflated view of their own self importance.

Oh dear, what happened? I seem to be visiting the club forum less and less (can't think why!!) I take it a certain mod has been shooting his mouth off again??

If all else fails......read the instructions.

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 19:59 #32 

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Bermudan 75
Then let's get rid of the idiots.

Last weekend saw the usual Wolves nano-meet which many people saw as being vastly superior to the National Meet.

It surely was a great meeting, however not one of the directors or mods (slaves to Pete & Chris) have acknowledged the meeting !

Now what does that tell you about them?



ps to the spies who report to C & P, you can only ban me once !

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 20:03 #33 

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Yes, but as with politics, most people either don't care or are too blinkered by loyalty to see it. :confused:
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 20:39 #34 

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Pedro wrote:
raistlin wrote:After the utter disgrace of what happened last night, the sheer abomination in the face of democracy, freedom of speech is the last thing one would expect from over there.

It seems that the mods are using it as their own personal Star Chamber owing to the fact that the management have apparently abandoned it and the mods have no moderating influence applied to themselves whatsoever. They have clearly learned nothing other than an overinflated view of their own self importance.

Oh dear, what happened? I seem to be visiting the club forum less and less (can't think why!!) I take it a certain mod has been shooting his mouth off again??

For one thing, Raistlin and myself had over six posts deleted by a obnoxious but blatantly stupid moderator.
I also complained by PM to but that will be a waste of time with the dictatorship now running over there.
I was asked by some members to start reposting after the previous episode but have now decided to stop posting before I get banned which does now seem to be the aim of certain mods.

There is just no one in control now and any criticism or mention of elsewhere sees posts removed and warning sent.
Well if you will excuse me, sod them!
Won't be renewing membership either.
The person behind the man (with no strings)..........

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 21:01 #35 

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Dodo wrote:For one thing, Raistlin and myself had over six posts deleted by a obnoxious but blatantly stupid moderator.

Whilst allowing a fascist, insulting load of drivel to remain in place.

Curiously, the post which caused the trouble was allowed to remain without comment for approximately two hours until Carl, Doreen and I decided to take issue.

Then, within seconds, the posts we made were summarily deleted, almost as though the moderator concerned had been waiting for a response.

The post was the sort of thing that the old mods would have dealt with almost instantaneously. It was designed with one thing in mind and that was to provoke a response. The fact that the replies it got were measured, polite, and within the rules clearly made them seem even worse for some reason.

It was censorship, pure and simple.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 21:10 #36 

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Bermudan 75
and such censorship was why I was banned. Not that I am concerned, with the lunatics in charge of the asylum I have moved to pastures new, where they don't serve bacon butties, :stirer:

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 21:28 #37 

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Very clever, that one, I like it ;)

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 21:35 #38 

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Bermudan 75
Rammie wrote:Very clever, that one, I like it ;)

because this forum is for the thinking person, :stirer:

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 21:38 #39 

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I'm suprised that I got it then :gmc:

Posted 23 Aug 2010, 21:50 #40 
