Electrical issues Rover 75 tourer by Jeffrey (Page 1 of 2)

Hi. No brake lights, driving lights work only on one side whilst high beam works on the other, rear lights okay. Also indicators work one side at the back and other side at the front plus dash lights just flickers when turned on then go off??? Got an auto electrician who could not find anything. He said it could be the "body control module' which his equipment could not scan. Does anyone have any ideas. I am sure there are no water leaks anywhere!!! Cheers Jeffrey in Australia.

Posted 08 Dec 2014, 04:13 #1 

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Very unlikely to be the body controller, more likely the light switch itself. Check the big connector on top, I've seen more than one corroded and giving odd symptoms like yours. It could also be a loose wire or fuse in the under bonnet fusebox. (Fuse links 9 & 11).

Posted 08 Dec 2014, 18:06 #2 

Thanks for your reply. All fuses in both locations have been tested and are okay. When you say light switch itself assume you mean main one that turns on main driving lights. Also big connector on top, is this easily accessible. Sorry but this electrical stuff is all new to me!!

Posted 08 Dec 2014, 18:45 #3 

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Yes. The lightswitch is actually a big module. You can only see the switches on the front. You need to take off the cover under the steering wheel (two screws on the lower edge then three clips that pop out at the top) and then there are three screws holding in the light switch module. The connector is obvious when you pull it from the dash.

Posted 08 Dec 2014, 19:24 #4 

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Hi Duncan.
Do you think it could be the FBH (Fuel burning heater.) playing up as I can remember a chap coming to the nano whom had a similar situation, he unplugged the FBH and all was ok, also how about the front drivers side wiring chaffing on the chassis, we had to sort out my sons recently because of this just throwing some suggestions in to the ring cheers Arctic
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 08 Dec 2014, 23:29 #5 

Fuel Burning Heater FBH not sure what that is but a few months ago my heater would not go off but it just fixed itself after a few weeks of playing up. Could that be related?? Appreciating your comments and will try to undertake some investigations when I get time on the coming weekend.

Posted 09 Dec 2014, 07:34 #6 

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Steve (Arctic). You might be right about the FBH, but it doesn't seem quite right. The usual symptoms for that are the lights work, except on the instrument panel and some interior lights. Worth a try, though.

Jeffrey, the FBH is under the bonnet if you have one. When you say the heater would not go off, do you mean the control panel inside, or something under the bonnet? If under the bonnet, that might be the culprit as Steve suggests. There are two connectors, one with two wires, one with more. Disconnect the one with more than two wires. Don't be tempted to disconnect the two wire one to make the job easier, its important to disconnect the plug with the thin wires first.

Its also worth looking into earths. If the heater panel, or blower wouldn't switch off, there's something odd happening.

Posted 09 Dec 2014, 17:58 #7 

Hi Guys. The earlier heater problem was that there were occasions when I used the car that hot air was coming though the vents with no heater on. This was solved by turning on the air cond on cooling. It only happened for a about four weeks intermittently then just stopped and has not been a problem since.?? To summarise my issue. When I turn on lights ,instrument lights come on for barely half a sec then go off almost like a flicker. I have both tail lights working, no brake lights (the high level rear on the tourer is disconnected but do not see that as an issue). Front passenger indicator works and rear driver works, all others including sides do not. Driver main front light works, passengers does not and it is the reverse situation on high beam and both front parking lights work. All interior lights and everything else functions normally. Maybe no FBH as in Australia??.Can you give me a precise location under bonnet?? Still driving the car and will now have some time on Thursday to undertake some investigations as per your comments. Again thanks for the feedback. Jeffrey

Posted 09 Dec 2014, 18:58 #8 

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This is a car with no FBH , look in front of the battery


And this is one with FBH


Close up of the heater note the sockets on top for the plugs referred to by Duncan above

Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 09 Dec 2014, 19:38 #9 

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(Site Admin)
As far as I can ascertain Jeffreys car is a 2.5 v6, therefore definitely no FBH as only fitted as an option on diesel engined cars.
I'd suspect the LSM (Light Switch Module) or an earthing fault as the indicators are also included.

Posted 09 Dec 2014, 21:21 #10 

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Mick wrote:As far as I can ascertain Jeffreys car is a 2.5 v6, therefore definitely no FBH as only fitted as an option on diesel engined cars.

Ah yes, Mick. Very true.

I still think the power connection to the light switch (LSM) is the place to start looking as the split of things that work / don't work is right for one of the two feeds to be faulty.

Posted 09 Dec 2014, 21:24 #11 

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Mick wrote:As far as I can ascertain Jeffreys car is a 2.5 v6, therefore definitely no FBH as only fitted as an option on diesel engined cars.
I'd suspect the LSM or an earthing fault as the indicators are also included.

Well there you go all the more reason to put what engine you have under you avatar or in the question :em:
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 10 Dec 2014, 00:38 #12 

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Yes sorry I should have checked before posting the FBH pics but at least the OP know knows what It looks like !
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 10 Dec 2014, 10:43 #13 

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(Site Admin)
No problem lads, just pointing it out for Jeffreys benefit, as you say, he now knows what to look for if he decides to buy a diesel. :)

Posted 10 Dec 2014, 13:12 #14 

Definitely a V6 2.5. I took out the LSM and from outward appearances looks okay. The connector on the top looks okay but I have not disconnected at this stage, I assume it is just one big plug with a lot of wires. I can access a second hand replacement and try it out. However this may be delayed until after Christmas. Is there any way to test the existing LSM, should I remove the connector on the top and check for any issues?

Posted 11 Dec 2014, 10:33 #15 

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(Site Admin)
Disconnect, make sure all the contacts are clean and reconnect.

Posted 11 Dec 2014, 10:45 #16 

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Yes, the chances are the connector will look OK even if there are problems. It's quite easy to disconnect: you need to move the white bar. Its held locked with a little piece of black plastic from the main housing that you depress, then fold the white bar. It sounds difficult but hopefully when you look at it, my description will make sense. Has anyone a photo?

If its what I think, then some of the big terminals (there are big and small in there) will either be corroded and green, or possibly overheated. Its a good thing to do to start.

Posted 11 Dec 2014, 18:14 #17 

Thanks for the comments. It will be a week end job for me. I will take photos as I go and post them.

Posted 11 Dec 2014, 18:45 #18 

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Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 13 Dec 2014, 00:25 #19 

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That's the one, Rob!. You can see the white bar quite clearly!. Press the black plastic 'pip' you can see in front of it and it folds forward (towards the front of the switch.

Posted 13 Dec 2014, 20:57 #20 

