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SpongeBob wrote:Even the description of the event sounds awe inspiring and humbling. Sounds like a very proud moment to have been witness to.
podge wrote:What filled many eyes with tears and dry throats followed next.........out of that TOTAL silence(just a few skylarks to be heard) came the sound on the wind of sixteen Merlin engines getting louder and louder untill they all flew overhead in a magnificent formation.It still makes the emotions stir writing this,everybody was clearly very moved.A day that will remain in the memory forever.P.
podge wrote:I will do my best Bernard,I took some pictures with my "pocket" electric camera and some with my new super duper DSLR, those have come out quite well,once I can get them downloaded I will try.It was one of those afternoons you wanted to just watch and soak up and not spend the whole time looking in a veiwfinder.There was an outfit called"Planes T.V." recording it all,so I shall look out for the DVD.