A long way behind me, the car turned off, and the HGV behind him then proceeded to catch up with me, and he caught up very, very close. For around three miles I was travelling at 45 mph with this clown literally feet, less than a car's length, from my bumper. I had plenty of room in front of me, around 6 or 7 car lengths. He was so close that I couldn't see his number plate in the mirror
Really annoying rather than scary, as being an ex-HGV driver myself, I know this sort of thing gives truckers a bad name. Having said that, part of the route took us past a place where a few years back, a car with a family of four (mum, dad and two school-age kids) was in a similar situation between two trucks - the front one braked hard, and the car was crushed, only one boy survived,,,,,,). I can't understand the mentality of these drivers. Apart from the fact that he was only, legally, supposed to be doing 40 mph, what was he hoping to achieve? If he was trying to intimidate me into going faster to get out of his way, how did he think I'd manage that? And if I did drive like a loon and overtake the vehicles in front, he'd then have to do the same to two cars and two trucks! :shrug:
Total idiot.....