Decision made on a unit for the car by PaulT

My thanks to Jake for taking the time to talk me through and demonstrate his system High Line system which seems now to be a BMW system with a Rover loom.

I was debating the unit that Sean (Radioguy) sells and the High Line route as well as some other double DIN units such as the Eonon. I had also seen the photos of how Trebor? Had installed Raistlins unit which if memory serves me correctly is a Pioneer unit.

Raistlins seemed to be extremely well installed but I presume had taken a great deal of fitting.

The photos of the Eonon that I had seen made it look as though one edge stuck out. I wondered if the double DIN fascia could be built up so that the unit was set back further for a better fit. The unit did seem well spec’d

The High Line unit, my understanding is that you do not get 7 character post code searching until you install the BMW Mk4 drive which seems very expensive on eBay. Plus, taking out the interior to fit the loom seemed quite a chore – not against doing something like that but…. In addition, I do not see the point of TV in the car.

Radioguys unit….designed to fit the 75. I had read some comments about one edge not fitting flush with the A/C controls but all can be sorted with a clothes peg. Have not read any negative comments about the units or the service provided by Sean – indeed read one article where Sean helped someone who had bought a duff unit from China, including making contact with the supplier – good PR but he could have washed his hands of it. PLUS he had a special offer on as well. In addition, it integrates with an iPod

I contacted someone who has one of Seans units fitted and he was very happy with the unit adding that he was planning on replacing the High Line in his other car with another of Seans units.

Jakes set up did sound extremely good but the acoustics of a car are not the best. In addition, he has the HK setup which I could not install – the estate part is for the dog and probably would not appreciate a bass speaker ‘booming’ away.

So in a rare moment of decision making a few emails went back and forth between Sean and me and a unit was purchased.

Having considered it over the weekend I am convinced that I have made the right decision which is obviously personal and perhaps not right for everyone.

Hopefully, the Sat Nav part will be a lot better than what I am using now – a TomTom in which the right hand column on the selection screen normally wants to select the characters in the column to the left of it which is not very useful.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 05 Mar 2012, 08:47 #1 

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Informative post.

With your TomTom a screen recalibration might fix it. I don't know where the menu is, or for sure that it has one, but even a cheapy binatone I have has got this feature.

Shame Testbook T1s don't!

Posted 05 Mar 2012, 09:30 #2 

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Erm... raising an old thread on a point of order... Raistlin installed Raistlin's Pioneer :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 06 Jul 2012, 22:54 #3 

Ooh sorry - thought I read a post somewhere stating.... obviously mistaken

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 07 Jul 2012, 18:24 #4 

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My sole claim to fame Paul :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 07 Jul 2012, 20:06 #5 
