Cruise retrofit by Tazman3 (Page 1 of 2)

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Inspired by Lates i now am going to have a go at a retrofit of cruise....i have sourced all the parts except the steering wheel controls, the clutch switch (although i havent checked if i have it on the car already) and the bracket for the interface.

As Lates didnt need ZCS codes and a few other lately didnt either im hoping i get away with it also, i have the cruise master switch loom behind the climate control and am going to check if i have the ECU (Engine Control Unit) and Interface connectors this evening...hopefully all will be there and Cruise will be achievable...

Wish me luck..


Posted 08 Jun 2010, 12:56 #1 

Tazman3 wrote:Inspired by Lates i now am going to have a go at a retrofit of cruise....i have sourced all the parts except the steering wheel controls, the clutch switch (although i havent checked if i have it on the car already) and the bracket for the interface.

As Lates didnt need ZCS codes and a few other lately didnt either im hoping i get away with it also, i have the cruise master switch loom behind the climate control and am going to check if i have the ECU and Interface connectors this evening...hopefully all will be there and Cruise will be achievable...

Wish me luck..

The cruise loom was in my CDTi but I dunno about your petrol.

Posted 08 Jun 2010, 13:04 #2 

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should find out when i get home from work tonight...


Posted 08 Jun 2010, 13:06 #3 

Tazman3 wrote:Inspired by Lates i now am going to have a go at a retrofit of cruise....i have sourced all the parts except the steering wheel controls, the clutch switch (although i havent checked if i have it on the car already) and the bracket for the interface.

As Lates didnt need ZCS codes and a few other lately didnt either im hoping i get away with it also, i have the cruise master switch loom behind the climate control and am going to check if i have the ECU and Interface connectors this evening...hopefully all will be there and Cruise will be achievable...

Wish me luck..


Good luck, the ZCS codes are available from xpart should you need them. I think lates reported £40+vat for the codes and then £90+vat if you need them inputting. Considering the effort needed to retrofit it, not a bad price if you had to pay. Alternatively pay for the codes and find someone with a T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) to input them for you. Or alternatively again, I can provide them for free along with the checksum digits, but I can not offer any support with them and there's a risk.

It should be a case of reading the original zcs codes, recording the car spec, changing the spec to include cruise, generating new zcs codes, generating the checksum digits, and then inputting to the car. In theory anyway :?

Posted 08 Jun 2010, 13:28 #4 

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Sounds good lets hope i dont need them though....

Im not far from Lovel (Gary) who has a T4 so if i need the support i will give you a shout Monk...thanks again..


Posted 08 Jun 2010, 14:33 #5 

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Been out and checked yes i have both the connectors under the passenger side by the fusebox.... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

should have everything coming apart from the Clutch switch and the steering wheel controls which i will have to get from somewhere else...


Posted 08 Jun 2010, 17:04 #6 

i have everything required fro my car. However I'm going to have to retrofit the loom as well. a much bigger job.

what I need is a breaking car so I can get a full loom to play with.

when I get around to it I'll be postig a how to with LOADS of pictures.
Does this look familiar?

Continuing to support the 75 community wherever they may be

Posted 08 Jun 2010, 20:12 #7 

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steven wrote:i have everything required fro my car. However I'm going to have to retrofit the loom as well. a much bigger job.

what I need is a breaking car so I can get a full loom to play with.

when I get around to it I'll be postig a how to with LOADS of pictures.

Dont envy you having to fit the loom mate... i will keep an ear to the ground for a whole breaker.

I will be taking pics but cause it should just be a plug in and go (fingers crossed) they may be of help to someone i guess...


Posted 08 Jun 2010, 20:24 #8 

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If I can offer advice to anyone, please prompt me.

As well as the clutch switch, you will probably need too change the brake switch from single to double pole: white to black. You can use the old one as your clutch switch.

Mines been working for two years now, but the information seemed to be that later cars would need ZCS. Latest info is this isn't always the cae as a 2004 car didn't.

NB: this is only applicable to V6s.

Posted 08 Jun 2010, 21:20 #9 

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Duncan wrote:If I can offer advice to anyone, please prompt me.

As well as the clutch switch, you will probably need too change the brake switch from single to double pole: white to black. You can use the old one as your clutch switch.

Mines been working for two years now, but the information seemed to be that later cars would need ZCS. Latest info is this isn't always the cae as a 2004 car didn't.

NB: this is only applicable to V6s.

Cool thanks Duncan, i should have the stuff early next week so heres hoping it goes smoothly, but as you say i will probably be bending your ear with

Did you take any pictures of yours when you did it (brake and clutch pedal switches)?


Posted 08 Jun 2010, 21:40 #10 

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No, I'm not good at taking pictures when I'm working. Don't want grubby fingers on my camera! To be honest, photos of that area are pretty hard anyway, even after I'd taken the dash out to do the wiring.

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 06:56 #11 

Cruise is very nice. The only problem I find with it is that you are on a Motorway and engage cruise and remove your foot from the accelerator and then one of the many heros on the road zooms past and pulls in front and slows down - slows down to slower than what you have cruise set to. Here you can do two things:

1. Disengage cruise and slow to the speed that matey is doing
2. Leave cruise engaged, pull out and overtake the moron

By taking 1 you are now travelling at a speed you did not want to and without cruise. However, by taking 2 our hero will be greatly offended by you overtaking him and he will now roar past, pull in and slow down to the speed that he was at when your troubles began. So you now decide should I opt for 1 or 2 this time. Opt for 2 and the whole scenarion is repeated ad nauseum.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 09 Jun 2010, 07:30 #12 

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PaulT wrote:Cruise is very nice. The only problem I find with it is that you are on a Motorway and engage cruise and remove your foot from the accelerator and then one of the many heros on the road zooms past and pulls in front and slows down - slows down to slower than what you have cruise set to. Here you can do two things:

1. Disengage cruise and slow to the speed that matey is doing
2. Leave cruise engaged, pull out and overtake the moron

By taking 1 you are now travelling at a speed you did not want to and without cruise. However, by taking 2 our hero will be greatly offended by you overtaking him and he will now roar past, pull in and slow down to the speed that he was at when your troubles began. So you now decide should I opt for 1 or 2 this time. Opt for 2 and the whole scenarion is repeated ad nauseum. really have put some thought into that PaulT....i know what you mean though i dont do much motorway driving but the fact that i can retrofit it is why im doing


Posted 09 Jun 2010, 07:53 #13 

I may be mistaken, but I think cars with cruise automatically have the electric seat wiring loom, and so therefore, if you have the electric seat loom, then you should have the cruise loom.

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 11:23 #14 

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x10rich wrote:I may be mistaken, but I think cars with cruise automatically have the electric seat wiring loom, and so therefore, if you have the electric seat loom, then you should have the cruise loom.

yep i checked yesterday i have the cruise loom...and i do have the seat looms also and rear electric blind....but not traction that i can see


Posted 09 Jun 2010, 12:24 #15 

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i have most of the parts arrived now...just wondering if anyone could take some pictures of where they are fitted...cheers

mainly the vacuum pump ...happy with the ecu and interface

Ok i have fitted the actuator just realised i need a bracket for the pump....

can someone help me out with a picture of the routing of the pipe thanks...


Sorted thanks i have the pics i require....


Posted 14 Jun 2010, 13:52 #16 

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right guys, i have fitted everything. the ecu,interface,pump,pipe,throttle pump thing,dash switch and steering wheel switches.

nothing nada.....aahh. however im not sure i have the correct pedal switches in....can anyone confirm what colour they should be? and what fuses/relays to check thanks


Posted 29 Jun 2010, 20:22 #17 

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OK, start with the dash switch. When the ignition is switched on, can you press this and it lights up (little green light)? I'm worried when you say nothing at all works. Report back on this and we can get an idea where to start looking.

There should be two switches one for brake one for clutch (if manual) The black is on the brake, the white on the clutch. You will have had a white one on the brake and nothing on the clutch before. At least I'm fairly sure it's that way round but it's two years ago. Have you changed the switches at all?

Posted 29 Jun 2010, 20:32 #18 

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the dash switch works i get a green light, im sure there is a white switch on the clutch and im not sure whats on the brake will need to check.

i have another clutch and brake switch coming this week so i will change them out and see what happens..

thanks for the help Duncan


Posted 29 Jun 2010, 20:56 #19 

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i now have the brake switch for cruise heres hoping it will work or else i will be selling a complete v6 cruise set up


Posted 03 Jul 2010, 23:31 #20 
