Sorry Paul, but I am going to take the classic British attitude of "bend over the Barrel and take it"
Works every time, at least for the Government anyway

I have spent many years being part of organisations that have "attempted" to help the ordinary man on the street, I have helped people with financial problems, helped try and bring down the regime of "charge what we like penalties" from the Banks. fought child slavery, racism, ageism etc etc etc......
Things is, so many people just won't get off their butt and do anything about it, they sit back and accept it, hell, the majority of Brits (That I know) wont get off their butts and do a decent days work and then complain about "foriegners taking the jobs" I honestly wonder why I bother sometimes, but I do it because I believe in a fair society, I just want to see the man / woman at ground level not getting screwed over so teh rich can enjoy another bowl of caviar while honest people go without:(
Seriously though, well I say seriously, but I mean, ignore my negativity, I am a member of FFUK or "Fair Fuel UK" and they are currently petitioning the Gov't again to reduce fuel duty. Visit their site if you want and help by sending your MP an Email / Letter to get involved in helping cut the Fuel Duty

The only people who get hurt by Fuel Blockades is teh "ordinary Man" because the greedy Fuel companies hack up their prices at such times, claiming "Fuel Shortages" as their excuse. They don't care, nor do the GOv't or that ultra rich man who owns the oil comapany / Fields.........