Council not responding to complaint by Bermudan 75

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Bermudan 75
I made a complaint to the local council planning office concerning their failure to enforce a planning condition that has an adverse effect on my property. They advised me to make a formal complaint in accordance with their complaints procedure. This I did and was not satisfied with their response and advised them of this. They said I could make a complaint to the Ombudsman after following the councils complaints procedure.

The council have not responded to my complaint in accordance with their own procedures, i.e. I have requested that they take the complaint to their 'Level 2'. This has been done in writting on two occasions but we have not received any acknowledgement.

I have started a formal complaint to the Ombudsman, however they will only consider my complaint once the council have subjected the complaint to their complaints procedure.

But the council have ignored my complaint....... (before the pro-local government lobby attack me, my complaint is sound in both procedure and law).

A letter is in the post tomorrow to my MP, Chief Executive Cheshire East Council, Planning Inspectorate, LG Ombudsman and the newspapers.

Some Local Authorities seem to think they are a law unto themselves, and not public servants paid by the pulic.


Posted 02 Apr 2014, 22:36 #1 

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Hi Mike,

In my area I know someone who has legitimately complained about the actions of the Parish Council chair towards them and the reply dismissing all complaint has come from the chair himself, where is the independence ?
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 03 Apr 2014, 08:21 #2 

Why not make a complaint to the Ombudsman about the council failing to adhere to their complaints procedure and use your complaint as an example and also ask what the procedure is when they fail to follow the procedure do you make a complaint.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 03 Apr 2014, 08:58 #3 

