Cooling fan operation by Steffan

My A/C has recently given up after blowing ice cold for 10 years.

Before I get it regassed, can anyone confirm that my low speed cooling fan is still functioning as it should? I am on the original 3 speed fan, which despite the age of the car has only done 51k miles.

Low engine temp + A/C off = cooling fan off
Low engine temp + A/C on = [low - I think?] speed cooling fan on



Posted 02 Nov 2011, 15:03 #1 

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Sounds right, the best test is to have the engine running and select demist, fan runs :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 02 Nov 2011, 18:27 #2 

Belated thanks Dave

I finally got around to testing it today as you suggest and found that the low speed is still going strong!

Posted 09 Nov 2011, 20:01 #3 
