Converting scanned documents! by Lightpainter

Getting in a bit of a pickle, have printed off a E-mail in a form format, signed it and scanned it and have got a Microsoft Office Document Imaging File, anyone got any idea how I can convert this to an office .DOC, file because if I try, Tools send text to Word I loose the 'Form' format and I just get a load of text in lines.

Would appreciate any help!

Posted 12 Nov 2010, 16:51 #1 

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(Site Admin)
I have no first hand experience of this. So please take this as a best guess.
Create a new empty Word document. then drag and drop your file into it. It may well display as a picture within the document. Worth a try?

Posted 12 Nov 2010, 17:12 #2 

User avatar
You need an OCR programme, My scanner has "twain" which is an option to scan and save as an editable document, then you could edit it and print the finished item.. :D

Posted 16 Nov 2010, 13:59 #3 

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Bermudan 75 wrote:You need an OCR programme, My scanner has "twain" which is an option to scan and save as an editable document, then you could edit it and print the finished item.. :D

I agree with the comments above, you could also download the Adobe programme that allows you to convert Word documents and other things into a pdf file.

Posted 16 Nov 2010, 14:17 #4 

Rover418275 wrote: wrote:You need an OCR programme, My scanner has "twain" which is an option to scan and save as an editable document, then you could edit it and print the finished item.. :D

I agree with the comments above, you could also download the Adobe programme that allows you to convert Word documents and other things into a pdf file.

That is expensive - have a search there are some freeware programs that might do it.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 21 Nov 2010, 06:46 #5 

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Bermudan 75
Yes it is expensive but you can download a 30 day trial for free. I have used this quite a few times.


Posted 21 Nov 2010, 17:52 #6 
