(Site Admin)

Without their financial support we wouldn't be here today.
A huge vote of thanks to them for their support.
The price reflects the high quality of this flimsy bit of vinyl.
150 x 38mm (approx) screen/digitally printed self cling transparent window vinyls,
inks used are 5 year UV colourfast and will not fade.
The cost price of the stickers amounted to £2.20 each including shipping and VAT @20%.
Factors included in the high initial cost to produce this sticker were:- Set-up charge for 2 types of processes used, screen and digital and a limited print run. Add to that P&P and Paypal charge.
Zebs Pic in situ:- what-s-this-turned-up-in-the-post-t2984.html#p26524
Tammyboys pic in situ: community-window-stickers-for-sale-t2999.html#p26811
Devilish's pic in situ: what-s-this-turned-up-in-the-post-t2984-60.html#p26838
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