Clock module to give arrival time by Duncan (Page 1 of 6)

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I've been working for a while to be able to make the clock modules that used to be available for the hiline satnav systems. No-one has been able to get hold of the original designer / seller to see if he would make any more, so I've designed a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) to make them again.

It's close to being ready, so I need to get an idea of numbers.

Remember, this is only any use to you if you are running a BMW version of the Mk3 or Mk4 navi computers. The Rover versions don't display properly (usually just the day of the week) and have no way of setting the clock either.

I'm asking for numbers on the basis of £20 for a build it yourself kit, or £30 built and tested. This is not a commitment yet as the only thing I have to order in quantity is the PCBs.

So, please take the list and repeat it with your name and quantity. This is a project on the enthusiasts forum, so please don't add your name to both places or I'll double count!! If anyone wants more details of the board and so on, I can do a thread here about it no problem.

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 20:07 #1 

I'd like one please :) I'll take the kit form thanks! :)

Posted 18 Jun 2013, 08:17 #2 

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Monk: 1

Posted 18 Jun 2013, 16:54 #3 

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Monk x 1 kit
Kandyman x 1 full build

Posted 18 Jun 2013, 17:30 #4 

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Monk x1 kit
Kandyman x1 full build
BingleyThe75 x1 full build
In a cold world, it's a warm place,
Where you know that you're supposed to be.

Posted 18 Jun 2013, 17:42 #5 

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At eight now between the enthusiasts and the community, in less than 24 hours. Certainly sounds like a goer. I'll give it a few more days and order some PCBs.

If anyone wants to let people know about this on other forums (there are a number), you are welcome to do so, but I'm not active on them, only these two.

Posted 18 Jun 2013, 17:44 #6 

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Duncan, I am more than happy to put this on the OC if you wish
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 18 Jun 2013, 21:30 #7 

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need to be faster Rob ;)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 19 Jun 2013, 04:57 #8 

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Found it now Dave thanks, what fooled me is its in the general forum and i looked in ICE
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 19 Jun 2013, 05:27 #9 

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I don't mind who puts it on any forum, so long as they don't cause themselves trouble, and everyone understands this is not for profit making reasons, just because I know a lot of people were after this.

I had a new PCB arrive today for another project. This should (if it works) allow an aux in to replace the cassette function on the hi-line nav systems. The intention is it's fairly 'plug and play'. I'm also working on a device to allow freeview tuners to work with the existing antennas on the screens, and a repair kit for the BMW BM54 radio modules where the amplifiers often fail.

Posted 19 Jun 2013, 21:42 #10 

Monk x1 kit
Kandyman x1 full build
BingleyThe75 x1 full build
Redrover x1 full build

Posted 20 Jun 2013, 12:39 #11 

Monk x1 kit
Kandyman x1 full build
BingleyThe75 x1 full build
Redrover x1 full build
Tez75 x1 kit

Posted 20 Jun 2013, 19:53 #12 

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Seems to be a good demand. I'll get some PCBs ordered sometime next week.

Posted 20 Jun 2013, 20:09 #13 

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Good luck Duncan.

Keep us updated wjth the project.

If you require any funds to help give this a kick start let me know.

Posted 20 Jun 2013, 20:29 #14 

I'll have to take my name off. Sorry Duncan.

(Monk now Mad-Monkey :))

Posted 01 Jul 2013, 22:20 #15 

Ill have one as well (although I have yet to track down a MK4!)

Posted 02 Jul 2013, 14:55 #16 

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Hi guys. I've ordered some PCBs and enough components to make a first batch or kits. No worries if a couple of people drop in or out, I'll only get irritated if suddenly I have ten modules and no buyers!

Posted 02 Jul 2013, 16:31 #17 

Have found a MK4 so could really do with one of these!

Can you remind me, does this also fix the issue of the temperature not showing up on the "trip computer"?

Posted 08 Jul 2013, 14:30 #18 

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I wasn't sure so I just checked. The temperature on the trip shows 0C though the IPK (Instrument pack (IPK from the German)) is saying -30C, so it seems not.

The reason I was checking? The PCBs arrived this evening, and I've just built the first one. Glad to say it works. Being a proper PCB instead of a prototype makes it a breeze to assemble so long as you have a good fine tipped soldering iron, and can see!

Bad news is I'm still not quite ready to ship as I only found suitable boxes at a sensible price today, and I ordered the wrong sockets for the chips (16 instead of 18 if anyone cares). I also need to program the chips.

Good news is it looks like the price will be lower too. I need to check postage too and as royal mail have put things up, I can't risk guessing until I've measured and weighed. Hopefully the parts will fit neatly inside the plastic box meaning I can ship in a jiffy bag. That should mean I can do postage for around £4, but that will still be less than the prices suggested at the start. For collection or delivery at a meet / via friends, of course there will be no cost. I'll confirm finally and fully once I've got the last bits, worked out the parcel size and weight and what to pack them in.

Posted 08 Jul 2013, 20:11 #19 

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Sounds good Duncan.

What sort of process are we looking at for installing the kit in the car.

Posted 08 Jul 2013, 20:18 #20 
