I had trouble securing a raised vantage point from which to descend so reccied from a distance due to my outnumberedness......
Which translates as...
My Taiwanese work colleague is due to go back to Canada(!). Days before he leaves he's cancelled his insurance knowing full well that a Taiwanese visitor from HO was landing at Manchester today (Sunday) so Sir Glynn had the task of retrieving said lady from said air terminal and transporting her to sunny Barnsley o' the North.. having informed me of his ill timed withdrawal of insurance cover last night...
...absolutely nothing to do with him having clipped a parked paramedic vehicle a few days ago.
His English is very good but seems to have descended to non existent since I tried to explain that he won't get half his money back due to having only used 6 months...and he wont get any back due to the Ambulance service having filed a claim against him....
Mandy of Taiwan thought my car very beautiful. (I think your carvery beautiful....took a while to pick the bits out of that piece of conversation, I thought she was hinting that I should take her for a meal)
I hopes all went well with the camping and repair/moddery.