Does anybody know why cheddar doesn't taste like cheddar anymore? I remember Anchor Special Reserve cheddar which was a notably tangy, tasty cheese. The stuff you seem to be able to buy today has the texture of lard and little taste other than a nasty sort of bitterness, even the "top of the range" cheddars.
Does anybody know of a cheddar that is still worthy of the name please?
Next, automated telephone systems. With the ever increasing proliferation of 0845, 0871 "non geographical numbers", the days of a simple telephone enquiry seem to have vanished. Of course, with the phone company and the callee both making money out of the long suffering consumer, its easy to see why a 30 second enquiry can turn into a 10 minute marathon.
I use a website that gives you the proper phone number for a great many organizations in the UK and will also search the "non geographical number" database and come up with a normal phone number as well, so, because I have Virgin media's free call system, I don't end up paying for these calls but they do really become tedious. A case in point:-
I made a phone call this morning which required nothing more than a date. It took me close to 1o minutes to achieve it. Firstly with the round robin which keeps bringing you back to the first level menu, then the abrupt end to a call where the menu reaches a dead-end, then, having negotiated the auto prompt menus, during which they took my name, post code, membership number, product code, date of birth and one or two other bits of information, each tediously spelled out two or three times, I eventually got through to what might be loosely termed a human operator. At which point I was asked to provide... name, postcode, membership number, product code... etc. etc.
When I asked why she hadn't made use of the information I'd provided to the automated system she said "oh - that doesn't go anywhere".
Ahhh... that's better